Mitch Parker - IU Health
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Bitcoin and other dreams of utopian thinking-what happens when they meet reality?
Oct 30, 2019

Cryptocurrencies are the latest in a series of market bubbles that demonstrate irrational exuberance. In this lecture, Mitch Parker, CISO of IU Health, will go over previous market bubbles, and compare and contrast the differences between the security controls in two peer to peer exchange methods, the current US federal banking system, and Bitcoin. Through this, Mitch will demonstrate the need to have security built into both the technical and non-technical controls of a financial system, and that the power of the system is not just based upon backing by a central bank, but by the series of controls and measures used by the central bank and accounting standards to provide customers the assurance that they are protected.About the Speaker
Mitchell Parker, CISSP, is the Executive Director of Information Security and Compliance at IU Health. Mitch has done a significant amount of work in researching the effects of cloud and distributed computing, network-based threats, compliance, and privacy and security requirements on connected health devices. Mitch works collaboratively with a number of EMR and biomedical equipment vendors to improve their security postures and provide a better quality of service. He currently resides in Carmel, IN, with his wife, two children, and two cats.
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