The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Ali Al-Haj - Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Zero Trust Architectures and Digital Trust Frameworks: A Complementary or Contradictory Relationship?

Feb 26, 2025

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This session explores the foundational concepts and practical applications of Zero Trust Architectures (ZTA) and Digital Trust Frameworks (DTF), two paradigms gaining traction in cybersecurity. While Zero Trust challenges the traditional notion of trust by enforcing strict access controls and authentication measures, Digital Trust seeks to build confidence through data integrity, privacy, and ethical considerations. Through this talk, we will investigate whether these approaches intersect, complement, or diverge, and what this means for the future of cybersecurity. Attendees will gain insights into implementing these frameworks to enhance both security and user confidence in digital environments. In addition to a practical overview, this talk will highlight emerging research areas in both domains. 

About the Speaker

Ali Al-Haj
Dr. Ali Al-Haj received his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering from Yarmouk University, Jordan, in 1985, followed by an M.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering from Tottori University, Japan, in 1988 and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Osaka University, Japan, in 1993. He then worked as a research associate at ATR Advanced Telecommunications Research Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan, until 1995. Prof. Al-Haj joined Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, in October 1995, where he currently serves as a Full Professor. He has published papers in dataflow computing, information retrieval, VLSI digital signal processing, neural networks, information security, and digital multimedia watermarking.

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