Myron Cramer - Essex
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Beyond the Enclave: Evolving Concepts in Security Architectures
Feb 13, 2008

This presentation discusses evolving concepts in security architectures. Current security architectures are based on the enclave architecture model. This model organizes and separates networked information systems into trusted, untrusted, and shared areas. Security components are located within these areas to provide the required security services based upon system requirements. While this model has many advantages in a basic client server business model, it has limitations with the evolving need to share information. This talk discusses the enclave security architecture and how it is implemented within enterprise networks. It also discusses information sharing needs that are difficult to meet within the constructs of the enclave as well as some of the security limitations of the enclave model. Potential solutions include incorporating new architectural concepts and new technologies to provide a greater variety of robust enterprise implementation options.About the Speaker
Dr. Myron L. Cramer founded and manages the IA Sector. He brings over 30 years of experience in government and commercial technology programs.
He is a recognized leader in advanced technology programs. His experience spans many areas of technology and operations, including information systems and software applications; operational requirements analysis; engineering research, and development.
Dr. Cramer has held previous management positions with SAIC, Booz, Allen & Hamilton, and ARINC Research Corporation.
As a faculty member at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, he led investigations in Competitive Information Technologies, a program addressing the competitive perspective of information technologies as they relate to government and business. This area is known as Information Warfare or Information Operations; it includes techniques and technologies to gain a competitive advantages over competitors and adversaries. As Senior Faculty Leader for the Secure Information Systems New Initiatives Group he developed new programs in network security, such as a new concept in real-time intrusion detection. He was a faculty member in "Information Revolution" research and education project addressing the consequences of the new Information Age. For commercial sponsors, he led an independent evaluation of the original internet banking application and evaluated a new internet service offering from a major regional Internet Service Provider. He founded and led GTRI's Software Process Working Group to implement Carnegie Mellon CMM software engineering processes.
Dr. Cramer holds Ph.D. and Master of Science degrees in Physics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.
He is a recognized leader in advanced technology programs. His experience spans many areas of technology and operations, including information systems and software applications; operational requirements analysis; engineering research, and development.
Dr. Cramer has held previous management positions with SAIC, Booz, Allen & Hamilton, and ARINC Research Corporation.
As a faculty member at the Georgia Tech Research Institute, he led investigations in Competitive Information Technologies, a program addressing the competitive perspective of information technologies as they relate to government and business. This area is known as Information Warfare or Information Operations; it includes techniques and technologies to gain a competitive advantages over competitors and adversaries. As Senior Faculty Leader for the Secure Information Systems New Initiatives Group he developed new programs in network security, such as a new concept in real-time intrusion detection. He was a faculty member in "Information Revolution" research and education project addressing the consequences of the new Information Age. For commercial sponsors, he led an independent evaluation of the original internet banking application and evaluated a new internet service offering from a major regional Internet Service Provider. He founded and led GTRI's Software Process Working Group to implement Carnegie Mellon CMM software engineering processes.
Dr. Cramer holds Ph.D. and Master of Science degrees in Physics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame.
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