The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Linda McCarthy - Sun Microsystems

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Intranet Security and the Big Picture

Jan 17, 1997


Linda McCarthy has broken into thousands of systems on corporate intranets. As detailed in her upcoming book, Intranet Security: Stories from the Trenches, her exploits could have easily shut down executive networks, killed manufacturing processes, and even crashed world-wide computer operations. When auditing, Linda focuses her skills on teaching executive managers how to avoid those types of disasters instead.

In this presentation, Linda tells us why security policies are the foundation for security. She also explains why security policies are a nightmare and why most executives just don't get the big picture. After describing these problems, Linda presents workable solutions and explains why NOW is the best time in history for computer security.

About the Speaker

Linda McCarthy has worked with UNIX for over a decade, focusing primarily on security administration, hardware architecure, product develoment, and key-management (encryption) technology. She has performed security testing on corporate networks and has regularly provided her consultive services to executive managers to help them understand the level-of-risk on their networks.

Linda has held several teaching positions at Sun Microsystems, where she has taught courses in hardware architecture, system administration, and Unix security. She currently leads a world-wide security research and development team at Sun.

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