Eugene Spafford - CERIAS
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
The Challenge of Secure Software
Sep 13, 2000

Despite decades of advances in computer science and software engineering, our computing systems seem to be less and less trustworthy. Each week seems to bring new stories of computer viruses, invasions of privacy, serious bugs in common software platforms, and network intrusions. The trend seems to be getting worse instead of better. Why is that? And is there hope for safer systems for day-to-day use in e-commerce and government?In this talk, we will examine some of the factors that have led to this distressing state of events. Included will be a discussion of some rules for designing secure software, and an examination of why the current Internet marketplace encourages those rules to be ignored. The clear solution is not one of technology -- but of consumer action.
Audience feedback is encouraged.
About the Speaker

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