Bruce Coffing - City of Chicago
Students: Fall 2024, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Public Sector Cyber Security 2020: Challenges and Rewards
Apr 22, 2020
Download: MP4 Video Size: 315.9MBWatch on YouTube
Work in the public sector differs from that in the private sector in ways that on the one hand present challenges unique to public sector work but also sometimes produce unexpected rewards also unique to public sector work. Mr. Coffing will share some of his experiences gained over the last eighteen months leading cybersecurity for the nation's third largest municipality as well as over the course of a 25+ year career in information technology and cyber security.About the Speaker
Bruce Coffing is an information security professional with over twenty-five years industry experience in information technology and cyber security. He is currently the Chief Information Security Officer for the City of Chicago. Prior to joining the City of Chicago, Mr. Coffing held information security positions at Bank of America and at consulting firm Accenture. Mr. Coffing holds the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification.