The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Yoon Auh - NUTS Technologies

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

NUTS: eNcrypted Userdata Transit & Storage; Viewing Data as an Endpoint™ (DaaE) using Structured Cryptography

Oct 28, 2020

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Can objects be truly secured independently without resorting to a massive central reference monitor? It's a great question and we will discuss a solution to it called NUTS. During this talk, we'll take data structures, message protocols and applied cryptography and toss them into the cauldron of reality, sprinkle in some DNA and data management to brew up some Security at the Data Perimeter towards crafting Data as the Endpoint. 

It sounds like a bad witch's brew of epic proportions but once we cast the spell, you will see the integration of many CS/CISSP concepts you've learned over the years and new ways to use it.  

Our goal is to make sure that the private individual has the best applied cryptographic technologies at their disposal for free in an unobtrusive way. 

By the way, a nut is the only secure data structure we know of that can help mitigate insider threats in a purely cryptographic way independent of reference monitors. We'll also show you how the NUTS Ecosystem can provide Alice with a ransom-ware resistant ‘hot' system at home using just 2 computers.

About the Speaker

Yoon Auh
Yoon Auh, CISSP, is the founder and CEO of NUTS Technologies® Inc., a midwestern cybersecurity startup. He holds multiple US patents around structured security and structured cryptography. His firm is breaking new grounds in applying structured security and cryptography at the data layer. He graduated from Columbia College in NYC with a BA in Physics and a BS in Engineering Mechanics from Columbia School of Engineering. Yoon's prior career was in finance and technology culminating to a successful career as Head Trader for several world class financial firms. A little NUTS history; Tired of poor personal data protection tools and even worse data management methods for the average Joe, Yoon created the eNcrypted Userdata Transit & Storage (NUTS) ecosystem which relies on viewing Data as the Endpoint™. To this end, a secure cryptographic data structure was created called a nut which is a complex structured cryptographic data structure featuring built-in multi-layered, multi-model pure cryptographic access controls requiring no reference monitors (if you understood this sentence, you are in for a real treat) - essentially, a nut allows the security perimeter to be brought down to the data layer so that it can travel with it.

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