Paul McNabb - Argus Systems Group, Inc.
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Trusted Operating Systems in Web-based Computing
Sep 04, 1998
Trusted Operating Systems (TOS) were initially designed and implemented to meet U.S. Department of Defense requirements during the early and mid 1980s. Historically, TOS were not considered pertinent to commercial security concerns, and were relegated to specialized environments within the Defense and Intelligence communities. The explosive growth in the Internet, combined with the new models for connecting internal corporate LANs to the Internet for public access to internal servers, has resulted in a new generation of TOS technology geared specifically to meeting the security threats implied by such interconnectivity.This talk, also given at the Black Hat Briefings '98 in Las Vegas, presents the new paradigm for direct transaction servers and explains how the latest TOS technology is rapidly becoming part of the security infrastructure in the worldwide e-commerce and I-banking markets.
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