The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

James R. C. Hansen - Trident Data Systems

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Computer Forensics Examinations in the Consulting Arena

Oct 29, 1999

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As use of information technology continues to expand, the need to identify and preserve electronic evidence becomes a paramount. Once strictly the domain of law enforcement agencies, computer forensic examination has become a common part of litigation. Mr. Hansen will discuss a evolution of computer forensics, some of the ongoing legal and technical challenges that face a service provider in this area. Mr. Hansen will review a number of recent cases, and identify current trends in this area.

About the Speaker

James R. C. Hansen
Mr. Hansen joined Trident Data Systems in 1998 to develop a line of network incident response and computer forensic services. Under his direction, Trident has become one of the premier US providers of computer forensics investigation to law enforcement agencies, financial institutions, technology firms, and a variety other clients. Mr. Hansen joined Trident from the United States Air Force, where as a Special Agent he most recently served as the Deputy Director, Computer Crime Investigations Division of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. In this capacity, he provided guidance and oversight of all investigations into the penetration of Air Force and select Department of Defense computer systems worldwide, and was assisted in the development of the nation's premier computer forensics laboratory. During his eleven years with the OSI, Mr. Hansen conducted counterintelligence investigations, protective service operations, directed a counter-narcotics operations team, and performed several high profile undercover operations

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