Tony Sager - Center for Internet Security
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
Growing Up In Cyber, But Is Cyber Growing Up?
Oct 05, 2016

Communications Security, Computer Security, Information Security, Information Assurance, Information Operations, Cyber Security: through a 35-year career at the National Security Agency, and now with the non-profit Center for Internet Security, Tony has been a participant, observer, and shaper of the world we now call Cyber Security. Since he?s never had another job (or some might say, never had a real job), through the lens of his career he will share his observations about the evolution of Cyber Security from a de facto government monopoly focused on national security and technology, to an issue that touches every one of us, in every aspect of our lives. Beyond the bumper stickers and rah-rah of Public-Private-Partnership, he?ll also describe the new models of cooperation between government and industry that we need for success.About the Speaker

Tony retired from the National Security Agency (NSA) after 34 years as an Information Assurance professional. He started his career in the Communications Security (COMSEC) Intern Program, and worked as a mathematical cryptographer and a software vulnerability analyst. In 2001, Tony led the release of NSA security guidance to the public. He also expanded NSA's role in the development of open standards for security.
Mr. Sager holds a B.A. in Mathematics from Western Maryland College and an M.S. in Computer Science from The Johns Hopkins University.
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