The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel - Purdue University

Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.

Protocols and Systems for Privacy Preserving Protection of Digital Identity

Oct 31, 2007

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In order to support emerging online activities within the digital information infrastructure, such as commerce, healthcare, entertainment and scientific collaboration, it is increasingly important to verify and protect the digital identity of the individuals involved. Identity management systems manage the digital identity life cycle of individuals that includes issuance, usage and revocation of digital identifiers.

Identity management systems have improved the management of identity information and user convenience; however they do not provide specific solutions to address protection of identity from threats such as identity theft and privacy violation. One major shortcoming of current approaches is the lack of strong verification techniques for management and protection of digital identifiers. Moreover current identity management systems do not consider neither biometric nor history-based identifiers. Both biometric and history-based identifiers are increasingly becoming an integral part of an individual's identity. Such types of identity data also need to be used with other digital identifiers and protected against misuse.

In this presentation I introduce a number of techniques that address the above problems. The approach is based on the concept of privacy preserving multi-factor identity verification. The main technique consists of verifying multiple identifier claims of an individual, without revealing extraneous identity information. A distinguishing feature of our approach is that we employ identity protection and verification techniques at all stages of the identity life cycle. In addition we develop techniques to use biometrics in a secure and privacy preserving manner. We also enhance our approach with the use of history-based identifiers.

About the Speaker

Abhilasha Bhargav-Spantzel is Computer Science PhD Student in Purdue University. She received her bachelors in Computer Science and Mathematics from Purdue in 2002. Her primary research interest is in protocols and systems for protection of digital identity in identity management systems. Her research goal is to provide techniques that perform multi-factor verification of digital identity without jeopardizing privacy. In her work she considers various forms of identity which are attributive, biometric and history based. She actively collaborates with industrial and academic initiatives for identity management tools and standards. Please refer to for more information.

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