Kevin McPeak - Symantec
Students: Spring 2025, unless noted otherwise, sessions will be virtual on Zoom.
The Five W's of Mobile Malware: Examining the Who, What, When, Where, and Why
Oct 07, 2015

Mobile malware is a growing menace, even though many Cybersecurity practitioners don't fully grasp the situation. This presentation will address the Five W's of mobile malware, namely: Who is developing it? Who is being affected by it? What exactly is it? When does it get dropped on mobile devices and when does it execute on mobile devices? Where are botnet operations that harvest mobile devices most prevalent? Why is mobile malware developed in the first place? This high-level presentation will stimulate thoughtful discussions and commensurate actions amongst Cybersecurity professionals who are tasked with defending their organization's people, data and infrastructure.About the Speaker
Kevin McPeak is a Symantec Security & Mobility Architect who is focused on supporting US Government customers. In this capacity, he serves as a technical SME for reputation based malware filtering, endpoint management, endpoint security, data loss prevention, encryption, mobile device management, mobile app management, secure mobile content delivery, and new defensive technologies. Kevin has two Masters of Science degrees, with one being earned at Johns Hopkins University and the other being earned at Virginia Tech. He is also currently a part-time PhD candidate at Virginia Tech's northern Virginia extension campus. Prior to working for Symantec, Kevin worked for several systems integrators to include CACI, Lockheed Martin, and AlphaInsight. Additionally, Kevin is currently an Army Reserve warrant officer (with over 22 years of continuous service) and in that military capacity he is a veteran of both Operation Enduring Freedom (2003) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (2010 – 2011).
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