The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)


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Opening Keynote: Arthur W. Coviello, Jr. (Keynote Summary)


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Keynote summary by Gaspar Modelo-Howard

The State of Security

Arthur W. Coviello, Jr., Chairman, RSA, The Security Division of EMC

Mr. Coviello opened his keynote with a quote from Nicholas Negroponte: “Internet is the most overhyped, yet underestimated phenomenon in history”. This statement, Mr. Coviello argues, it is still true today. And to determine the state of security, one does not have to look beyond the state of the Internet.

The growth of the Internet has driven the evolution of computing in the last few decades. Computing has gone through radical transformations: from its early days with mainframes, to computers, moving later to networks in the 80s and then to the rise of the Internet and the World Wide Web in the mid 90s. We are currently experiencing a confluence of technologies and trends (cloud computing, big data, social media, mobile, consumerization of IT) that make clear that the next transformation of computing is well underway and creating new challenges to security. Coviello contended the past evolution of IT infrastructure gives clear signals to the fast and deep changes security should continue to experience in the future. As an example and in just a couple of years, the IT industry has moved from 1 exabyte of data to 1.8 zettabytes, from the iPod to the iPad, from 513M to over 2B Internet users, from speeds of 100kbps to 100Mbps, and from AOL to Facebook (which would be the 3rd largest country in the world, by considering its number of users as population).

Coviello then used an interesting analogy to explain the impact in security of the continuous growth of the Internet, and therefore the need to better empower security. Imagine that the Internet is a highway system that is experiencing an exponential growth in the number of cars that use it. The highway system then needs to increase the number of lanes of existing roads, add new roads, and provide better ways for cars to access the system. But all this growth also increases the number and complexity of accidents on the roads. Then, security needs to grow accordingly to better manage (prevent, detect, and respond) the new scenario of potential accidents.

Looking at the security world, things have also changed dramatically over the years. Not long ago there were tens of thousands of viruses and their corresponding signatures, where as now there are tens of millions. Organized crime and spying online is a very real threat today that was not really happening in 2001. The scenario is then more difficult today for security practitioners to protect their networks. Stuxnet opened a new threat era for security. We have long moved away from the times of script kiddies. The new breed of attackers include: (1) non-state actors, like terrorists and anti-establishment vigilantes; (2) criminals, that act like a technology company by expanding their market around the world to distribute their products and services, and have sophisticated supply chains; and (3) nation-state actors, which are stealth and sophisticated, difficult to detect, well-resourced, and efficient.

Coviello briefly explained the high profiled breach experienced by RSA in 2011. They were attacked by two advanced persistent threat (APT) groups. From the steps taken, it is very clear that a lot of research on the company was made before the attacks. Phishing email was used to get inside their networks, sending the messages to a carefully selected group of RSA employees. The messages included an Excel attachment that contained a zero-day exploit (Adobe Flash vulnerability), which installed a backdoor when triggered. The attackers knew what they wanted, and went low and slow. The attack went on for 2 weeks, with RSA staying two to three hours behind the attackers’ moves. The attackers were able to ex-filtrate information from the networks, but RSA ultimately determined that no loss was produced to the company from the attack. As for the experience, Coviello acknowledged that is still not a good idea for a security company to get breached.

We are past the tipping point, were physical and virtual worlds could be separated. Additionally, the confluence of technologies and trends is creating more ‘open’ systems. The security industry is challenged as the open systems are more difficult to secure (than close systems, each under a single domain). We need to secure what in a way can’t be controlled. It is then not difficult to explain what has happened recently, in terms of breaches. In 2011, many high-profiled attacks occurred (in what others have labeled as the ‘Year of the Security Breach’) to big organizations like Google, Sony, RSA, PBS, BAH (Booz, Allen, Hamilton), Diginotar, and governmental entities such as the Japanese Parliament and the Australian Prime Minister.

Coviello argued that vendors and manufacturers must stop the linear approach used in the security industry to keep adding layer after layer of security control mechanisms. Security products should not be silos. We need to educate computer users, but keeping in mind that people make mistakes. After all we are humans. Our mindset must change from playing defense, as protection from perimeter does not work alone. Also, security practitioners and technologists must show an ability for big picture thinking and having people skills.

We need to get leverage from all security products, therefore the need to move away from the security silos architecture. Fortunately, the age of big data is arriving to the security world. Coviello provided a definition to big data: collecting datasets from numerous sources, at a large scale, and to produce actionable information from analyzing the datasets. The security objective is then to reduce the window of vulnerabilities for all attacks. The age of big data should also promote the sharing of information, which unfortunately is currently a synonym for failure. Organizations do not work together to defend against attacks.

Mr. Coviello calls for the creation of multi-source intelligence products. They must be risk-based, as there are different types of risks and should consider the different vulnerabilities, threats, and impacts affecting each organization. The intelligence products should be agile, having deep visibility of the protected system. They should detect anomalies in real time and the corresponding responses should be automated in order to scale and be deployed pervasively. Unfortunately today, systems are a patchwork of security products, focusing only on compliance. Finally, the intelligence products should have contextual capabilities. The ability to succeed against attacks depends on having the best available information, not only security logs. Such information should come from numerous sources, not only internals.

The Q&A session included several interesting questions, after the stimulating talk. The first one asked about the possible impediments to achieve the goals outlined in the talk. Coviello pointed out three potential roadblocks. First, the lack of awareness regarding the impact of a security situation by the top board of the organization. Top management should understand that security problems are the responsibility of the whole company, not just the IT department. Second, ignoring the requirement to follow a risk based approach when making security decisions and developing strategies. Third, is important that security programs grow as organizations increasingly rely on their IT systems.

A question was made regarding the asymmetric threat that security practitioners face and what can be done about it. Coviello pointed out the need to work around risk analysis in order to reduce the potential risks faced by organizations. It should be understood that the digital risk cannot be reduced any more than the physical risk. So organizations should get more sophisticated on the analytics, following a risk-based approach.

A member of the audience pointed out that several federal cybersecurity policies are based on the concept of defense in depth. Such concept is not driven by risks, which ultimately might raise costs to organizations required to comply with policies and regulations. Coviello agreed that if a risk-based approach is not followed, security programs might not achieve cost effectiveness. He also mentioned that defense in depth is sometimes misunderstood as it is not a layering mechanism to implement cybersecurity. It should encompass information sharing among organizations and even countries. He offered an example, calling for ISPs to play a more aggressive role and work with organizations to stop the threat from botnets.

A final question was made regarding the push by elected officials to use electronic voting, especially in small counties that might lack the resources to protect those systems. How to make elected officials understand the risk faced when using electronic voting, when such authorities usually do not have the capability to secure the voting system? Coviello sounded less than enthusiastic about electronic voting. But more importantly, he said there is a need to aggregate the security expertise and services so it can be outsourced to small and medium-sized organizations. The security industry should follow on the steps of the software and hardware industries, offering outsourcing services and products.

An Interesting Opportunity


As someone who is interested in information security and CERIAS (or why else would you be reading this blog?), you are undoubtedly already aware of the great need for education and research in information/cyber security areas -- the very areas in which we have been a leader for the last 20+ years here at Purdue University.

One aspect of our efforts is an on-going need to attract and retain the very best faculty members possible to provide leadership in all aspects of what we do.

Universities have a mechanism for attracting and retaining the best people: endowed chairs for faculty. These are special designations for positions for leading faculty. The associated endowment provides discretionary funds for travel, research, staff and a salary supplement to support the position. Only a small number of these positions exist in any computing field at universities nationally…and almost none in information/cyber security and privacy. Having one of the oldest and largest programs in this field, Purdue University really should have a few of these positions available to attract and keep the best faculty we can find.

Normally, the endowments for these chairs are provided by generous individuals or foundations who support the university and/or the research area. As a small token of appreciation, the university allows the benefactor(s) to name the chaired position (within reason), thus resulting in something such as the Homer J. Simpson Distinguished Professor of Cyber Security or the Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems Professor of Information Security and Privacy. This name is kept in perpetuity, and is on all stationery and publications of that professor henceforth.

Purdue has just announced a new program to match donations 1:1 for chaired positions with no restrictions. It is thus possible for someone (or a group, company, club or foundation) to endow a distinguished chair at ½ of the usual amount. Further, that amount may be pledged over a three-year period, and the donor(s) still retain full naming rights!

Note that Purdue University is a 503(c) organization and thus donations to support this have potential tax advantages for the donor(s).

We really would like to have CERIAS continue to be the leader in the field of information security. Obtaining at least one (and preferably, several) named chairs in the field, most likely with homes in the CS department, would help us keep that lead, and keep our program strong.

If you are interested in taking part in this great opportunity to help fund one of the first few endowed professorships globally in this important area, please contact me. And if you know of others who might be interested, please pass this along to them. Fields including computer games and graphics have dozens of endowed professorships around the country. Isn't it about time we showed that information security is taken seriously, too?

Gene Schultz, R. I. P.


Sunday, October 2nd, Earl Eugene Schultz, Jr. passed away. Gene probably had suffered an unrecognized stroke about two weeks earlier, and a week later fell down a long escalator at the Minneapolis municipal airport. He was given immediate emergency aid, then hospitalized, but never regained consciousness. Many of his family members were with him during his final days.

What follows is a more formal obituary, based on material provided by his family and others. That is followed by some personal reflections.

Personal Details

Gene was born September 10, 1946, in Chicago to E. Eugene Sr. and Elizabeth Schultz. They moved to California in 1948, and Gene’s sister, Nancy, was born in 1955. The family lived in Lafayette, California. Gene graduated from UCLA, and earned his MS and PhD (in Cognitive Science, 1977) at Purdue University in Indiana.


While at Purdue University, Gene met and married Cathy Brown. They were married for 36 years, and raised three daughters: Sarah, Rachel and Leah.

Gene was an active member of Cornerstone Fellowship, and belonged to a men’s Bible study. His many interests included family, going to his mountain home in Twain Harte, model trains, music, travelling, the outdoors, history, reading and sports.

Gene is survived by his wife of 36 years, Cathy Brown Schultz; father, Gene Schultz, Sr.; sister, Nancy Baker; daughters and their spouses, Sarah and Tim Vanier, Rachel and Duc Nguyen, Leah and Nathan Martin; and two grandchildren, Nola and Drake Nguyen.

A memorial service will be held at Cornerstone Fellowship in Livermore, California on Saturday, October 8, 2011 at 1 pm. Donations may be sent to Caring under his name, Gene Schultz.

You should also take a few moments to visit this page and learn about the symptoms and response to stroke.

Professional Life

Gene was one of the more notable and accomplished figures in computing security over the last few decades. During the course of his career, Gene was professor of computer science at several universities, including the University of California at Davis and Purdue University, and retired from the University of California at Berkeley. He consulted for a wide range of clients, including U.S. and foreign governments and the banking, petroleum, and pharmaceutical industries. He also managed several information security practices and served as chief technology officer for two companies.

Gene formed and managed the Computer Incident Advisory Capability (CIAC) — an incident response team for the U.S. Department of Energy — from 1986–1992. This was the first formal incident response team, predating the CERT/CC by several years. He also was instrumental in the founding of FIRST — the Forum of Incident Response & Security Teams.

During his 30 years of work in security, Gene authored or co-authored over 120 papers, and five books. He was manager of the I4 program at SRI from 1994–1998. From 2002–2007, he was the Editor-in-Chief of Computers and Security — the oldest journal in computing security — and continued to serve on its editorial board. Gene was also an associate editor of Network Security. He was a member of the accreditation board of the Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP).

Gene testified as an expert several times before both Senate and House Congressional committees. He also served as an expert advisor to a number of companies and agencies. Gene was a certified SANS instructor, instructor for ISACA, senior SANS analyst, member of the SANS NewsBites editorial board, and co-author of the 2005 and 2006 Certified Information Security Manager preparation materials.

Dr. Schultz was honored numerous times for his research, service, and teaching. Among his many notable awards, Gene received the NASA Technical Excellence Award, Department of Energy Excellence Award, the Vanguard Conference Top Gun Award (for best presenter) twice, the Vanguard Chairman's Award, the ISACA John Kuyers Best Speaker/Best Conference Contributor Award and the National Information Systems Security Conference Best Paper Award. One of only a few Distinguished Fellows of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), he was also named to the ISSA Hall of Fame and received ISSA's Professional Achievement and Honor Roll Awards.

At the time of his death, Dr. Schultz was the CTO of Emagined Security, an information security consultancy based in San Carlos, California. He held certifications as a CISM, CISSP, and GSLC.

Personal Reflections

As I recall, I first “met” Gene almost 25 years ago, when he was involved with the CIAC and I was involved with network security. We exchanged email about security issues and his time at Purdue. I may have even met him earlier — I can’t recall, exactly. It seems we have been friends forever. We also crossed paths once or twice at conferences, but it was only incidental.

In 1998, I started CERIAS at Purdue. I had contacted personnel at the (now defunct) company Global Integrity while at the National Computer Security Conference that year about supporting the effort at CERIAS. What followed was a wonderful collaboration: Gene was the Director of Research for Global Integrity, and as part of their support for CERIAS they “loaned” Gene to us for several years. Gene, Cathy and Leah moved to West Lafayette, a few houses away from where I lived, and Gene proceeded to help us in research and teaching courses over the next three years while he worked remotely for GI.

The students at Purdue loved Gene, but that seems to have been the case for everywhere he taught. Gene had a gift for conveying complex concepts to students, and had incredible patience when dealing with them one-on-one. He came up with great assignments, sprinkled his lectures with interesting stories from his experience, and encouraged the students to try things to see what they might discover. He was inspirational. He was inspirational as a colleague; too, although we both traveled so much that we didn’t get to see each other too often.

In 2001 he parted ways with Global Integrity, and moved his family back to California. This was no doubt influenced by the winters they had experienced in Indiana — too much of a reminder of grad student days for Gene and Cathy! I remember one time that we all got together to watch a New Year’s Purdue football bowl appearance, and the snow was so high as to make the roads impassable for a few days. Luckily, we lived near each other and it was only a short walk to warmth, hors d’oeuvres, and wine. grin

In the following years, Gene and I kept in close touch. We served on a few committees and editorial boards together, regularly saw each other at conferences, and kept the email flowing back and forth. He returned to Purdue and CERIAS several times to conduct seminars and joint research. He was generous with his time to the students and faculty who met with him.

Earlier this year, several of us put together a proposal to a funding agency. In it, we listed Gene as an outside expert to review and advise us on our work. We had room in the budget to pay him almost any fee he requested. But, when I spoke with him on the phone, he indicated he didn’t care if we paid more than his expenses — “I want to help CERIAS students and advance the field” was his rationale.

Since I learned of the news of his accident, and subsequent passing, I have provided some updates and notes to friends, colleagues, former students, and others via social media and email. So many people who knew Gene have responded with stories. There are three elements that are frequently repeated, and from my experience they help to define the man:

  • Equity. Gene treated everyone the same when he met them. It didn’t matter if someone was a CEO, Senator, freshman, or custodian — he treated them with respect and listened to what they might have to say.
  • Humor. Gene loved to laugh, and loved to make others laugh. He shared funny stories and odd things found on the WWW, and had wonderful stories that helped make others smile. And he smiled, a lot, and shared his joy.
  • Consideration. Gene was compassionate, thoughtful, and gentle. He would often inconvenience himself for others, without complaint. He loved his family and let his friends know they were special.   

Gene Schultz was a wonderful role model, mentor and friend for a huge number of people, including being a husband to a delightful wife for 36 years and father to three wonderful daughters. Our world is a little less bright with him gone, but so very much better that he was with us for the time he was here.

E. Eugene Schultz, Jr., 9/10/46–10/2/11. Requiescat in pace.

More than passive defense


I was watching a video today (more on that later) that reminded me of some history. It also brought to mind that too few defenders these days build forensics capture into their systems to help identify intruders. They also don't have active defenses, countermeasures and chaff in place to slow down attackers and provide more warning of problems.

Back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, I quietly built some counterhacking and beaconing tools that I installed in a "fake front" machine on our local network. People who tried to break into it might get surprises and leave me log info about what they were up to, and things they downloaded would not do what they thought or might beacon me to indicate where the code went. This was long before honeypots were formalized, and before firewalls were in common use. Some of my experiences contributed to me writing the first few papers on software forensics (now called digital forensics), development of Tripwire, and several of my Ph.D. students's theses topics.

I didn't talk about that work much at the time for a variety of reasons, but I did present some of the ideas to students in classes over the years, and in some closed workshops. Tsutomu Shimomura, Dan Farmer and I traded some of our ideas on occasion, along with a few others; a DOD service branch contracted with a few companies to actually built some tools from my ideas, a few of which made it into commercial products. (And no, I never got any royalties or credit for them, either, or for my early work on firewalls, or security scanning, or.... I didn't apply for patents or start companies, unfortunately. It's interesting to see how much of the commercial industry is based around things I pioneered.)

I now regret not having actually written about my ideas at the time, but I was asked by several groups (including a few government agencies) not to do so because it might give away clues to attackers. A few of those groups were funding my grad students, so I complied. You can find a few hints of the ideas in the various editions of Practical Unix & Internet Security because I shared several of the ideas with my co-author, Simson Garfinkel, who had a lot of clever ideas of his own. He went on to found a company, Sandstorm Enterprises, to build and market some professional tools in roughly this space; I was a minor partner in that company. (Simson has continued to have lots of other great ideas, and is now doing wonderful things with disk forensics as a faculty member at the Naval Postgraduate School.)

Some of the ideas we all had back then continue to be reinvented, along with many new and improved approaches. Back in the 1980s, all my tools were in Unix (SunOS, mostly), but now there are possible options in many other systems, with Windows and Linux being the main problems. Of course, back in the 1980s the Internet wasn't used for commerce, Linux hadn't been developed, and Windows was not the widespread issue it it now. There also wasn't a WWW with its problems of cross-site scripting and SQL injection. Nonetheless, there were plenty of attackers, and more than enough unfound bugs in the software to enable attacks.

For the sake of history, I thought I'd document a few of the things I remember as working well, so the memories aren't lost forever. These are all circa 1989-1993:

  • Everything was built on a decoy system. I had control over my own Sun workstation. I configured it to have 2 separate accounts, with one (named spaf) exported via NFS to the CS department Sun, Pyramid and Sequent machines. My students and fellow faculty could access this directory, and I populated it with contents to make it look real. If I wanted to share something with my classes, I'd copy it to this account. A second account (rspaf) was on a separate partition, not exported, and locked down. It was my real account and where I got email. No system had rsh access in, nor any other indication that it existed — the support staff knew it was there, but almost no one else. (For real paranoia, I kept copies of sensitive files and source code on a Mac running OS 7, and it was off the network.)
  • My original idea for Tripwire came several years before Gene Kim arrived as a student and we built the actual Tripwire tool. I built a watcher program for bogus, "bait" mail files and attractively-named source files that would never be touched in normal operation. When accessed, their file times changed. The watcher "noticed" and would start taking repeated snapshots of active network connections and running processes. When lsof was written (at Purdue), I included it in the logging process. After a few minutes, my watcher would freeze the active network connections.
  • As a matter of good security practice, I disabled most of the network services spawned at startup or by inetd. In their places, I put programs that mimicked their output behavior, but logged everything sent to them. Thus, if someone tried to rsh into my system, they'd get output claiming incorrect password for most accounts. For spaf and root it would randomly act like it was connecting but very slow or an error would be printed. At the same time, this would send me email and (later) a page. This would allow me to run other monitoring tools. The tcp wrappers system was later independently developed by Wietse Venema, and the twist option provided the same kind of functionality (still useful).
  • Some attackers would try to "slurp" up interesting sounding directories without looking at all the contents. For instance, a common tactic was to take any directory labeled "security" and the mail spool. For a while, attackers were particularly interested in getting my copy of the Morris Internet Worm, so any directory with "worm" in it would be copied out in its entirety. I built a small utility that would take any file (such as a mail file or binary) and make it HUGE using the Unix sparse file structure. On disk the files might only be a few thousand bytes long, and you could read it normally, but any copy program thought they were gigabytes in length. Thus, any attempt to copy them offsite would result in very long, uncompleted copies (which left network connections open to trace) and sometimes filled up the attackers' disks.
  • The previous idea was partially inspired by one of Tsutomu's tricks. The authd daemon, implementing the ident protocol (RFC 1413), was somewhat popular. It could be useful in a LAN, but in the Internet at large it was not trustworthy; to make this point, several admins had it always return some made-up names when queried. Tsutomu took this a step further and when a remote system connected to the ident port on his machine, it would get an unending string of random bits. Most authd clients would simply accept whatever they were given to write to the local log file. Connecting to Tsutomu's machine was therefore going to lead to a disk full problem. If the client ran as root, it would not be stopped by any limits or quotas — and it usually logged to the main system partition. Crash. As Tsutomu put it, "Be careful what you ask for or you may get more of it than you counted on."
  • I sprinkled altered program source on my fake account, including many that looked like hacking tools. The source code was always subtly altered to neuter the tool. For example, some Unix password cracking tools had permuted S-boxes so that, when presented with a password hash to attack, the program would either run a long time without a result, or would give a result that would not work on any target machine. I also had a partial copy of the Morris Worm there, with subtle permutations made to prevent it from spreading if compiled, and the beacon changed to ping me instead of Berkeley. (See my analysis paper if you don't get the reference.)
  • I also had some booby-trapped binaries with obfuscated content. One was named "God" and had embedded text strings for the usage message that implied that there were options to become root, take over the network, and other tasty actions. However, if run, it would disable all signals, and prompt the user with the name of every file in her home directory, one at a time. Any response to the prompt would result in "Deleted!" followed by the next prompt. Any attempt to stop the program would cause it to print "Entering automatic mode" where every half-second it would state that it was deleting the next file. Meanwhile, it would be sending me logging information about who was running it and where. If run on a Purdue machine, it didn't actually delete anything — I simply used it to see who was poking in my account and running things they didn't know anything about (usually, my students). It also gave them a good scare. If taken and run on a non-Purdue machine, well, it was not so benign.

There were many other tools and tripwires in place, of course, but the above were some of the most successful.

What does successful mean? Well, they helped me to identify several penetrations in progress, and get info on the attackers. I also identified a few new attacks, including the very subtle library substitution that was documented in @Large: The Strange Case of the World's Biggest Internet Invasion. The substitute with backdoor in place had the identical size, dates and simple checksum as the original so as to evade tools such as COPS and rdist. Most victims never knew they had been compromised. My system caught the attack in progress. I was able to share details with the Sun response team — and thereafter they started using MD5 checksums on their patch releases. That incident also inspired some of my design of Tripwire.

In another case, I collected data on some people who had broken into my system to steal the Morris Worm source code. The attacks were documented in the book Underground . The author, Suelette Dreyfus, assisted by Julian Assange (yes, the Wikileaks one), never bothered to contact me to verify what she wrote. The book suggests that my real account was compromised, and source code taken. However, it was the fake account, my security monitors froze the connection after a few minutes, and the software that was accessed was truncated and neutered. Furthermore, the flaws that were exploited to get in were not on my machine — they were on a machine operated by the CS staff.   (Dreyfuss got several other things wrong, but I'm not going to do a full critique.)

There were a half-dozen other incidents where I was able to identify new attacks (now known as zero-day exploits) and get the details to vendors. But after a while, interest dropped off in attacking my machine as new, more exciting opportunities for the kiddies came into play, such as botnets and DDOS attacks. And maybe the word spread that I didn't keep anything useful or interesting on my system. (I still don't.) It's also the case that I got much more interested in issues that don't involve the hands-on, bits & bytes parts of security — I'm now much more interested in fundamental science and policy aspects. I leave the hands-on aspects to the next generation. So, I'm not really a challenge now — especially as I do not administer my system anymore — it's done by staff.

I was reminded of all this when someone on Twitter posted the URL of a video taken at Notacon 2011 (Funnypots and Skiddy Baiting: Screwing with those that screw with you by Adrian "Iron Geek" Crenshaw). It is amusing and reminded me of the stories, above. It also showed that some of the same techniques we used 20 years ago are still applicable today.

Of course, that is also depressing. Now, nearly 20 years later, lots of things have changed but unfortunately, security is a bigger problem, and law enforcement is still struggling to keep up. Too many intrusions occur without being noticed, and too little information is available to track the perps.

There are a few takeaways from all the above that the reader is invited to consider:

  • Assume your systems will be penetrated if they are on the network. Things you don't control are likely to be broken. Therefore, plan ahead and keep the really sensitive items on a platform that is off the net. (If the RSA folks had done this, the SecurID breach might not have resulted in anything.)
  • Install localized tripwires and honeypots that can be monitored for evidence of intrusion. Don't depend on packaged solutions alone — they are known quantities that attackers can avoid or defeat.
  • Don't believe everything you read unless you know the story has been verified with original sources.
  • Consider encrypting or altering critical files so they aren't usable "as is" if taken.
  • Be sure you are proactively logging information that will be useful once you discover a compromise.

Also, you might watch Iron Geek's video to inspire some other ideas if you are interested in this general area — it's a good starting point. (And another, related and funny post on this general topic is here, but is possibly NSFW.)

In conclusion, I'll close with my 3 rules for successful security:

  1. Preparation in advance is always easier than clean up afterwards.
  2. Don't tell everything you know.

Bullies, Pirates and Lulz


Yet another breach of information has occurred, this time from the Arizona Department of Public Safety. A large amount of data about law enforcement operations was exposed, as was a considerable amount of personnel information. As someone who has been working in information security and the implications of technology for nearly 30 years, two things come to mind.

First, if a largely uncoordinated group could penetrate the systems and expose all this information, then so could a much more focused, well-financed, and malevolent group — and it would not likely result in postings picked up by the media. Attacks by narcotics cartels, organized crime, terrorists and intelligence agencies are obvious threats; we can only assume that some have already succeeded but not been recognized or publicized. And, as others are noting, this poses a real threat to the physical safety of innocent people. Yes, in any large law enforcement organization there are likely to be some who are corrupt (the claimed reason behind the attack), but that is not reason to attack them all. Some of the people they are arrayed against are far worse.

For example, there are thousands (perhaps tens of thousands) of kidnappings in Mexico for ransom, with many of the hostages killed rather than freed after payment. Take away effective law enforcement in Arizona, and those gangs would expand into the U.S. where they could demand bigger ransoms. The hackers, sitting behind a keyboard removed from gang and street violence, safe from forcible rape, and with enough education to be able to avoid most fraud, find it easy to cherry-pick some excesses to complain about. But the majority of people in the world do not have the education or means to enjoy that level of privileged safety. Compared to police in many third-world countries where extortion and bribes are always required for any protection at all, U.S. law enforcement is pretty good. (As is the UK, which has also recently been attacked.)

Ask yourself what the real agenda is of a group that has so far only attacked law enforcement in some of the more moderate countries, companies without political or criminal agendas, and showing a total disregard for collateral damage. Ask why these "heroes" aren't seeking to expose some of the data and names of the worst drug cartels, or working to end human trafficking and systematic rape in war zones, or exposing the corruption in some African, South American & Asian governments, or seeking to damage the governments of truly despotic regimes (e.g., North Korea, Myanmar), or interfering with China's online attacks against the Dalai Lama, or leaking memos about willful environmental damage and fraud by some large companies, or seeking to destroy extremist groups (such as al Qaida) that oppress woman and minorities and are seeking weapons of mass destruction.

Have you seen one report yet about anything like the above? None of those actions would necessarily be legal, but any one of them would certainly be a better match for the claimed motives. Instead, it is obvious that  these individuals and groups are displaying a significant political and moral bias — or blindness — they are ignoring the worst human rights offenders and criminals on the planet. It seems they are after the ego-boosting publicity, and concerned only with themselves. The claims of exposing evil is intended to fool the naive.

In particular, this most recent act of exposing the names and addresses of family members of law enforcement, most of whom are undoubtedly honest people trying to make the world a safer place, is not a matter of "Lulz" — it is potentially enabling extortion, kidnapping, and murder. The worst criminals, to whom money is more important than human life, are always seeking an opportunity to neutralize the police. Attacking family members of law enforcement is common in many countries, including Mexico, and this kind of exposure further enables it now in Arizona. The data breach is attacking some of the very people and organizations trying to counter the worst criminal and moral abuses that may occur, and worse, their families.

Claiming that, for instance, that the "War on Drugs" created the cartels and is morally equivalent (e.g., response #13 in this) is specious. Laws passed by elected representatives in the U.S. did not cause criminals in Mexico to kidnap poor people, force them to fight to the death for the criminals' amusement, and then force the survivors to act as expendable drug mules. The moral choices by criminals are exactly that — moral choices. The choice to kidnap, rape, or kill someone who objects to your criminal behavior is a choice with clear moral dimensions. So are the choices of various hackers who expose data and deface systems.

When I was growing up, I was the chubby kid with glasses. I didn't do well in sports, and I didn't fit in with the groups that were the "cool kids." I wasn't into drinking myself into a stupor, or taking drugs, or the random vandalism that seemed to be the pasttimes of those very same "cool kids." Instead, I was one of the ones who got harassed, threatened, my homework stolen, and laughed at. The ones who did it claimed that it was all in fun — this being long before the word "lulz" was invented. But it was clear they were being bullies, and they enjoyed being bullies. It didn't matter if anyone got hurt, it was purely for their selfish enjoyment. Most were cowards, too, because they would not do anything that might endanger them, and when they could, they did things anonymously. The only ones who thought it was funny were the other dysfunctional jerks. Does that sound familiar?

Twenty years ago, I was objecting to the press holding up virus authors as unappreciated geniuses. They were portrayed as heroes, performing experiments and striking blows against the evil computer companies then prominent in the field. Many in the public and press (and even in the computing industry) had a sort of romantic view of them — as modern, swashbuckling, electronic pirates, of the sorts seen in movies. Now we can see the billions of dollars in damage wrought by those "geniuses" and their successors with Zeus and Conficker and the rest. The only difference is of time and degree — the underlying damage and amoral concern for others is simply visible to more people now. (And, by the way, the pirates off Somalia and in the Caribbean, some of whom simply kill their victims to steal their property, are real pirates, not the fictional, romantic versions in film.)

The next time you see a news article about some group, by whatever name, exposing data from a gaming company or law enforcement agency, think about the real evil left untouched. Think about who might actually be hurt or suffer loss. Think about the perpetrators hiding their identities, attacking the poorly defended, and bragging about how wonderful and noble and clever they are. Then ask if you are someone cheering on the bully or concerned about who is really getting hurt. And ask how others, including the press, are reporting it. All are choices with moral components. What are yours?

Update: June 26

I have received several feedback comments to this (along with the hundreds of spam responses). Several were by people using anonymous addresses. We don't publish comments made anonymously or containing links to commercial sites. For this post, I am probably not going to pass through any rants, at least based on what I have seen. Furthermore, I don't have the time (or patience) to do a point-by-point commentary on the same things, again and again. However, I will make a few short comments on what I have received so far.

Several responses appear to be based on the assumption that I don't have knowledge or background to back up some of my statements. I'm not going to rebut those with a list of specifics. However, people who know what I've been doing over the few decades (or bothered to do a little research) — including work with companies, law enforcement, community groups, and government agencies — would hardly accuse me of being an observer with only an academic perspective.

A second common rant is that the government has done some bad things, or the police have done something corrupt, or corporations are greedy, and those facts somehow justify the behavior I described. Does the fact that a bully was knocked around by someone else and thus became a bully mean that if you are the victim, it's okay? If so, then the fact that the U.S. and U.K. have had terrorist attacks that have resulted in overly intrusive laws should make it all okay for you. After all, they had bad things happen to them, so their bad behavior is justified, correct? Wrong. That you became an abuser of others because you were harmed does not make it right. Furthermore, attacks such as the ones I discussed do nothing to fix those problems, but do have the potential to harm innocent parties as well as give ammunition to those who would pass greater restrictions on freedom. Based on statistics (for the US), a significant number of the people whining about government excess have not voted or bothered to make their opinions known to their elected representatives. The more people remain uninvolved, the more it looks like the population doesn't care or approves of those excesses, including sweetheart deals for corporations and invasions of privacy. Change is possible, but it is not going to occur by posting account details of people subscribed to Sony services, or giving out addresses and names of families of law enforcement officers, or defacing the NPR website. One deals with bullies by confronting them directly.

The third most common rant so far is to claim that it doesn't make any difference, for one reason or another: all the personal information is already out there on the net or will be soon, that the government (or government of another country) or criminals have already captured all that information, that it doesn't cost anything, security is illusory, et al. Again, this misses the point. Being a bully or vandal because you think it won't make any difference doesn't excuse the behavior. Because you believe that the effects of your behavior will happen anyhow is no reason to hasten those effects. If you believe otherwise, then consider: you are going to die someday, so it doesn't make a difference if you kill yourself, so you might as well do it now. Still there? Then I guess you agree that each act has implications that matter even if the end state is inevitable.

Fourth, some people claim that these attacks are a "favor" to the victims by showing them their vulnerabilities, or that the victims somehow deserved this because their defenses were weak. I addressed these claims in an article published in 2003. In short, blaming the victim is inappropriate. Yes, some may deserve some criticism for not having better defenses, but that does not justify an attack nor serve as a defense for the attackers. It is no favor either. If you are walking down a street at night and are assaulted by thugs who beat you with 2x4s and steal your money, you aren't likely to lie bleeding in the street saying to yourself "Gee, they did me a huge favor by showing I wasn't protected against a brutal assault. I guess I deserved that." Blaming the victim is done by the predators and their supporters to try to justify their behavior. And an intrusion or breach, committed without invitation or consent, is not a favor — it is a crime.

Fifth, if you support anarchy, then that is part of your moral choices. It does not invalidate what I wrote. I believe that doing things simply because they amuse you is a very selfish form of choice, and is the sort of reasoning many murderers, rapists, pedophiles and arsonists use to justify their actions. In an anarchy, they'd be able to indulge to their hearts content. Lotsa lulz. But don't complain if I and others don't share that view.

I am going to leave it here. As I said, I'm not interested in spending the next few weeks arguing on-line with people who are trying to justify behavior as bullies and vandals based on faulty assumptions.