The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)


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Another untimely passing


[tags]obituary,cryptography,Bob Baldwin,kuang, CBW,crypt-breaker’s workbench[/tags]

I learned this week that the information security world lost another of our lights in 2007: Bob Baldwin. This may have been more generally known, but a few people I contacted were also surprised and saddened by the news.

His contributions to the field were wide-ranging. In addition to his published research results he also built tools that a generation of students and researchers found to be of great value. These included the Kuang tool for vulnerability analysis, which we included in the first edition of COPS, and the Crypt-Breaker’s Workbench (CBW), which is still in use.

What follows is (slightly edited) obituary sent to me by Bob’s wife, Anne. There was also an obituary in the fall 2007 issue of Cryptologia.

Robert W Baldwin

May 19, 1957- August 21, 2007

Robert W. Baldwin of Palo Alto passed away at home with his wife at his side on August 21, 2007. Bob was born in Newton, Massachusetts and graduated from Memorial High School in Madison, Wisconsin and Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virginia. He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he received BS and MS degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering in 1982 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1987. A leading researcher and practitioner in computer security, Bob was employed by Oracle, Tandem Computers, and RSA Security before forming his own firm, PlusFive Consulting. His most recent contribution was the development of security engineering for digital theaters. Bob was fascinated with cryptology and made frequent contributions to Cryptologia as an author, reviewer, and mentor.

Bob was a loving and devoted husband and father who touched the hearts and minds of many. He is well remembered by his positive attitude and everlasting smile. Bob is survived by his wife, Anne Wilson, two step-children, Sean and Jennifer Wilson of Palo Alto and his two children, Leila and Elise Baldwin of Bellevue, Washington. He is also survived by his parents, Bob and Janice Baldwin of Madison, Wisconsin; his siblings: Jean Grossman of Princeton, N.J., Richard Baldwin of Lausanne, Switzerland, and Nancy Kitsos of Wellesley, MA.; and six nieces and nephews.

In lieu of flowers, gifts in memory of Robert W. Baldwin may be made to a charity of the donor’s choice, to the Recht Brain Tumor Research Laboratory at Stanford Comprehensive Cancer Center, Office of Medical Development, 2700 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, Attn: Janice Flowers-Sonne, or to the loving caretakers at the Hospice of the Valley, 1510 E. Flower Street. Phoenix, AZ 85014-5656.


Passing of a Pioneer


On November 18, 2007, noted computer pioneer James P. Anderson, Jr., died at his home in Pennsylvania. Jim, 77, had finally retired in August.

Jim, born in Easton, Pennsylvania, graduated from Penn State with a degree in Meteorology. From 1953 to 1956 he served in the U.S. Navy as a Gunnery Officer and later as a Radio Officer. This later service sparked his initial interest in cryptography and information security.

Jim was unaware in 1956, when he took his first job at Univac Corporation, that his career in computers had begun. Hired by John Mauchly to program meteorological data, Dr. Mauchly soon became a family friend and mentor. In 1959, Jim went to Burroughs Corporation as manager of the Advanced Systems Technology Department in the Research Division, where he explored issues of compilation, parallel computing, and computer security. While there, he conceived of and was one of the patent holders of one of the first multiprocessor systems, the D-825. After being manager of Systems Development at Auerbach Corporation from 1964 to 1966, Jim formed an independent consulting firm, James P. Anderson Company, which he maintained until his retirement.

Jim's contributions to information security involved both the abstract and the practical. He is generally credited with the invention and explication of the reference monitor (in 1972) and audit trail-based intrusion detection (in 1980). He was involved in many broad studies in information security needs and vulnerabilities. This included participation on the 1968 Defense Science Board Task Force on Computer Security that produced the "Ware Report", defining the technical challenges of computer security. He was then the deputy chair and editor of a follow-on report to the U.S. Air Force in 1972. That report, widely known as "The Anderson Report", defined the research agenda in information security for well over a decade. Jim was also deeply involved in the development of a number of other seminal standards, policies and over 200 reports including BLACKER, the TCSEC (aka "The Orange Book"), TNI, and other documents in "The Rainbow Series".

Jim consulted for major corporations and government agencies, conducting reviews of security policy and practice. He had long- standing consulting arrangements with computer companies, defense and intelligence agencies and telecommunication firms. He was a mentor and advisor to many in the community who went on to prominence in the field of cyber security. Jim is well remembered for his very practical and straightforward analyses, especially in his insights about how operational security lapses could negate strong computing safeguards, and about the poor quality design and coding of most software products.

Jim eschewed public recognition of his many accomplishments, preferring that his work speak for itself. His accomplishments have long been known within the community, and in 1990 he was honored with the NIST/NCSC (NSA) National Computer Systems Security Award, generally considered the most prestigious award in the field. In his acceptance remarks Jim observed that success in computer security design would be when its results were used with equal ease and confidence by average people as well as security professionals - a state we have yet to achieve.

Jim had broad interests, deep concerns, great insight and a rare willingness to operate out of the spotlight. His sense of humor and patience with those earnestly seeking knowledge were greatly admired, as were his candid responses to the clueless and self-important.

With the passing of Jim Anderson the community has lost a friend, mentor and colleague, and the field of cyber security has lost one of its founding fathers.

Jim is survived by his wife, Patty, his son Jay, daughter Beth and three grandchildren. In lieu of other recognition, people may make donations to their favorite charities in memory of Jim.

[Update 01/03/2008 from Peter Denning:]

I noted a comment that Jim is credited with the reference monitor. He told me once that he credits that to a paper I wrote with Scott Graham for the 1972 SJCC and said that paper was the first he'd seen using the actual term. I told him that I got the concept (not the term) from Jack Dennis at MIT. Jack probably got it from the ongoing Project MAC discussions. Where it came from before that, I do not know. It might be better to say that Jim recognized the fundamental importance of reference monitor for computer security practice and stumped endlessly for its adoption.

Computer Security Outlook


Recently, the McAfee Corporation released their latest Virtual Criminology Report.  Personnel from CERIAS helped provide some of the research for the report.
The report makes interesting reading, and you might want to download a copy.  You will have to register to get a copy, however (that’s McAfee, not CERIAS).

The editors concluded that there are 3 major trends in computer security and computer crime:

  1. An increasing level and sophistication of nation-state sponsored espionage and (some) sabotage.
  2. An increasing sophistication in criminal threats to individuals and businesses
  3. An increasing market for exploits and attack methods

Certainly, anyone following the news and listening to what we’ve been saying here will recognize these trends.  All are natural consequences of increased connectivity and increased presence of valued information and resources online, coupled with weak security and largely ineffectual law enforcement.  If value is present and there is little or no protection, and if there is also little risk of being caught and punished, then there is going to be a steady increase in system abuse.

I’ve posted links on my tumble log to a number of recent news articles on computer crime and espionage.  It’s clear that there is a lot of misuse occurring, and that we aren’t seeing it all.

[posted with ecto]

Looking for Trustworthy Alternatives to Adobe PDFs


There was a day when PDFs were the safe, portable alternative to Microsoft Word documents.  There was no chance of macro-virus infections, and emails to Spaf with PDFs didn’t bounce back as they did if you sent him a Word document.  It became clear that PDFs adopted mixed loyalties by locking features down and phoning home.  Embedded content caused security issues in PDF viewers (CVE-2007-0047, CVE-2007-0046, CVE-2007-0045, CVE-2005-1306, CVE-2004-1598, CVE-2004-0194, CVE-2003-0434) including a virus using JavaScript as a distribution vector (CVE-2003-0284).  Can you call safe a document viewer that stands in such company as Skype, Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft Outlook Express [1] with a CVSS score above 9 (CVE-2007-5020)?  How about PDFs that can dynamically retrieve Yahoo ads over the internet [2], whereas Yahoo has recently been tricked into distributing trojans in advertisements [3]?  Fully functional PDF viewers are now about as safe and loyal (under your control) as your web browser with full scripting enabled.  That may be good enough for some people, but clearly falls short for risk-averse industries.  It is not enough to fix vulnerabilities quickly;  people saying that there’s no bug-free software are also missing the point.  The point is that it is desirable to have a conservative but functional enough document viewer that does not have a bullseye painted on it by attempting to do too much and be everything to everyone.  This can be stated succinctly as “avoid unnecessary complexity” and “be loyal to the computer owner”.

Whereas it might be possible to use a PDF viewer with limited functionality and not supporting attack vectors, the format has become tainted—in the future more and more people will require you to be able to read their flashy PDF just as some webmasters now deny you access if you don’t have JavaScript enabled.  Adobe has patents on PDF and is intent on keeping control and conformance to specifications;  Apple’s MacOS X PDF viewer (“Preview”) initially allowed printing of secured PDFs to unsecured PDFs [4].  That was quickly fixed, for obvious reasons.  This is as it should be, but it highlights that you are not free to make just any application that manipulates PDFs.

Last year Adobe forced Microsoft to pull PDF creation support from Office 2007 under the threat of a lawsuit while asking them to “charge more” for Office [5].  What stops Adobe from interfering with OpenOffice?  In January 2007 Adobe released the full PDF (Portable Document Format) to make PDF an ISO standard [6].  People believe: “Anyone may create applications that read and write PDF files without having to pay royalties to Adobe Systems”, but that’s not quite true.  These applications must conform to the specification as decided by Adobe.  Applications that are too permissive or somehow irk Adobe could possibly be made illegal, including open source ones, at least in the US.  It is unclear how much control Adobe still has (obviously enough for the Yahoo deal) and will still have when and if it becomes an ISO standard.  Being an ISO standard does not make PDFs necessarily compatible with free software.  If part of the point of free software is to be able to change it so that it is fully loyal to you, then isn’t it a contradiction for free software to implement standards that mandate and enforce mixed loyalties?

Finally, my purchase of the full version of Adobe Acrobat for MacOS X was a usability disaster;  you’ll need to apply duress to make me use Acrobat again.  I say it’s time to move on to safer ground, from security, legal, and code quality perspectives, ISO standard or not. 

How then can we safely transmit and receive documents that are more than plain text?  HTML, postscript, and rich-text (rtf) are alternatives that have been disused in favor of PDF for various reasons which I will not analyze here.  Two alternatives seemed promising:  DVI files and Microsoft XPS, but a bit of research shows that they both have significant shortcomings.

Tex (dvi): TeX is a typesetting system, used to produce DVI (Device independent file format) files.  TeX is used mostly in academia, by computer scientists, mathematicians or UNIX enthusiasts.  There are many TeX editors with various levels of sophistication; for example OpenOffice can export documents to .tex files, so you can use even a common WYSIWYG text editor.  Tex files can be created and managed on Windows [7], MacOS X and Linux.  TeX files do not include images but have tags referencing them as separate files;  you have to manage them separately.  Windows has DVI viewers, such as YAP and DVIWIN

However, in my tests OpenOffice lost references to embedded images, producing TeX tags containing errors (”[Warning: Image not found]”).  The PDF export on the same file worked perfectly.  Even if the TeX export worked, you would still have a bunch of files instead of a single document to send.  You then need to produce a DVI file in a second step, using some other program. 

Even if OpenOffice’s support of DVI was better, there are other problems.  I have found many downloadable DVI documents that could not be displayed in Ubuntu, using “evince”;  they produced the error “Unable to open document—DVI document has incorrect format”.  After installing the “advi” program (which may have installed some fonts as well), some became viewable both using evince and advi.  DVI files do not support embedded fonts;  if the end user does not have the correct fonts your document will not be displayed properly. 

Another issue is that of orphaned images.  Images are missing from dvi downloads such as this one;  at some point they were available as a separate download, but aren’t anymore.  This is a significant shortcoming, which is side-stepped by converting DVI documents to PDF;  however this defeats our purpose.

Microsoft XPS: XPS (XML Paper Specification) documents embed all the fonts used, so XPS documents will behave more predictably than DVI ones.  XPS also has the advantage that

“it is a safe format. Unlike Word documents and PDF files, which can contain macros and JavaScript respectively, XPS files are fixed and do not support any embedded code. The inability to make documents that can literally change their own content makes this a preferable archive format for industries where regulation and compliance is a way of life” [8].

Despite being an open specification, there is no support for it yet in Linux.  Visiting Microsoft’s XPS web site and clicking on the “get an XPS viewer” link results in the message “This OS is not supported”.

It seems, however, that Microsoft may be just as intent on keeping control of XPS as Adobe for PDFs;  the “community promise for XPS” contains an implicit threat should your software not comply “with all of the required parts of the mandatory provisions of the XPS Document Format” [9].  These attached strings negate some advantages that XPS might have had over PDFs.

XPS must become supported on alternative operating systems such as Linux and BSDs, for it to become competitive.  This may not happen simply because Microsoft is actively antagonizing Linux and open source developers with vague and threatening patent claims, as well as people interested in open standards with shady lobbying moves and “voting operations” [10] at standards organizations (Microsoft: you need public support and goodwill for XPS to “win” this one).  The advantages of XPS may also not be evident to users comfortable in a world of TeX, postscript, and no-charge PDF tools.  The confusion about open formats vs open standards and exactly how much control Adobe still has and will still have when and if PDF becomes an ISO standard does not help.  Companies offering XPS products are also limiting their possibilities by not offering Linux versions, at least of the viewers, even without support. 

In conclusion, PDF viewers have become risky examples of mixed loyalty software.  It is my personal opinion that risk-averse industries and free software enthusiasts should steer clear of the PDF standard, but there are currently no practical replacements.  XPS faces extreme adoption problems, not simply due to the PDF installed base, but also due to the ill will generated by Microsoft’s tactics.  I wish that DVI was enhanced with included fonts and images, better portability, and better integration within tools like OpenOffice, and that this became an often requested feature for the OpenOffice folks.  I don’t expect DVI handlers to be absolutely perfect (e.g., CVE-2002-0836), but the reduced feature set and absence of certain attack vectors should mean less complexity, fewer risks and greater loyalty to the computer owner.

1. ISS, Multiple vendor products URI handling command execution, October 2007.

2. Robert Daniel, Adobe-Yahoo plan places ads on PDF documents, November 2007.

3. Bogdan Popa, Yahoo Infects Users’ Computers with Trojans - Using a simple advert distributed by Right Media, September 2007.

4. Kurt Foss, Web site editor illustrates how Mac OS X can circumvent PDF security, March 2002.

5. Nate Mook, Microsoft to Drop PDF Support in Office, June 2006.

6. Adobe Press release, Adobe to Release PDF for Industry Standardization, January 2007.

7. Eric Schechter, Free TeX software available for Windows computers, November 2007.

8. Jonathan Allen, The wide ranging impact of the XML Paper Specification, November 2006.

9. Microsoft, Community Promise for XPS, January 2007.

10. Kim Haverblad, Microsoft buys the Swedish vote on OOXML, August 2007.

Another Round on Passwords


[tags]passwords, security practices[/tags]
The EDUCAUSE security mailing list has yet (another) discussion on password policies.  I’ve blogged about this general issue several times in the past, but maybe it is worth revisiting.

Someone on the list wrote:

Here is my question - does anyone have the data on how many times a hack (attack) has occurred associated to breaking the “launch codes” from outside of the organization?  The last information I gleaned from the FBI reports (several years ago) indicated that 70 percent of hackings (attacks) were internal.

My most recent experience with intrusions has had nothing to do with a compromised password, rather an exploit of some vunerability in the OS, database, or application.

I replied:

I track these things, and I cannot recall the last time I saw any report of an incident caused by a guessed password.  Most common incidents are phishing, trojans, snooping, physical theft of sensitive media, and remote exploitation of bugs.

People devote huge amounts of effort to passwords because it is one of the few things they think they can control. 

Picking stronger passwords won’t stop phishing.  It won’t stop users downloading trojans.  It won’t stop capture of sensitive transmissions.  It won’t bring back a stolen laptop (although if the laptop has proper encryption it *might* protect the data).  And passwords won’t ensure that patches are in place but flaws aren’t.

Creating and forcing strong password policies is akin to being the bosun ensuring that everyone on the Titanic has locked their staterooms before they abandon ship.  It doesn’t stop the ship from sinking or save any lives, but it sure does make him look like he’s doing something important…..

That isn’t to say that we should be cavalier about setting passwords.  It is important to try to set strong passwords, but once reasonably good ones are set in most environments the attacks are going to come from other places—password sniffing, exploitation of bugs in the software, and implantation of trojan software.

As a field, we spend waaaaay too much time and resources on palliative measures rather than fundamental cures.  In most cases, fiddling with password rules is a prime example.  A few weeks ago, I blogged about a related issue.

Security should be based on sound risk assessment, and in most environments weak passwords don’t present the most significant risk.