The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)


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Making the CWE Top 25, 2010 Edition

As last year, I was glad to be able to participate in the making of the CWE Top 25. The 2010 Edition has been more systematically and methodically produced than last year's. We adjusted the level of abstraction of the entries to be more consistent, precise and actionable. For that purpose, new CWE entries were created, so that we didn't have to include a high-level entry because there was no other way to discuss a particular variation of a weakness. There was a formal vote with metrics, with a debate about which metrics to use, how to vote, and how to calculate a final score. We moved the high-level CWE entries which could be described as "Didn't perform good practice X" or "Didn't follow principle Y" into a mitigations section which specifically addresses what X and Y are and why you should care about them. Those mitigations were then mapped against the top-25 CWE entries that they affected.

For the metrics, CWE entries were ranked by prevalence and importance. We used P X I to calculate scores. That makes sense to me because risk is defined as Potential loss x Probability of occurrence, so by this formula the CWE rankings are related to the risk those weaknesses pose to your software and business. Last year, the CWEs were not ranked; they instead had "champions" who argued for their inclusion in the Top-25.

I worked on creating an educational profile, with its own metrics (of course not alone; it wouldn't have happened without Steve Christey, his team at MITRE, and other CWE participants). The Top-25 now has profiles; so depending on your application and concerns, you may select a profile that ranks entries differently and appropriately. The educational profile used prevalence, importance but also emphasis. Emphasis relates to how difficult a concept is to explain and understand. Easy concepts can be learned in homeworks, labs, or are perhaps so trivial that they can be learned in the students own reading time. Harder concepts deserve more class time, provided that they are important enough. Another factor for emphasis was how much a particular CWE is helpful in learning others, and its general applicability. So, the educational profile tended to include higher-level weaknesses. Also, it considered all historical time periods for prevalence, whereas the Top-25 is more focused on data for the last 2 years. This is similar to the concept of regression testing -- we don't want problems that have been solved to reappear.

Overall, I have a good feeling about this year's work, and I hope that it will prove useful and practical. I will be looking for examples of its use and experiences with it, and of course I'd love to hear what you think of it. Tell us both the good and the bad -- I'm aware that it's not perfect, and it has some subjective elements, but perhaps comments will be useful for next year's iteration.

Cowed Through DNS

May 2010 will mark the 4th aniversary of our collective cowing by spammers, malware authors and botnet operators. In 2006, spammers squashed Blue Frog. They made the vendor of this service, Blue Security, into lepers, as everyone became afraid of being contaminated by association and becoming a casualty of the spamming war. Blue Frog hit spammers were it counted -- in the revenue stream, simply by posting complaints to spamvertized web sites. It was effective enough to warrant retaliation. DNS was battered into making Blue Security unreachable. The then paying commercial clients of Blue Security were targetted, destroying the business model; so Blue Security folded [1]. I was stunned that the "bad guys" won by brute force and terror, and the security community either was powerless or let it go. Blue Security was even blamed for some of their actions and their approach. Blaming the victims for daring to organize and attempt to defend people, err, I mean for provoking the aggressor further, isn't new. An open-source project attempting to revive the Blue Frog technology evaporated within the year. The absence of interest and progress has since been scary (or scared) silence.

According to most sources, 90-95% of our email traffic has been spam for years now. Not content with this, they subject us to blog spam, friendme spam, IM spam, and XSS (cross-site scripting) spam. That spam or browser abuse through XSS convinces more people to visit links and install malware, thus enrolling computers into botnets. Botnets then enforce our submission by defeating Blue Security type efforts, and extort money from web-based businesses. We can then smugly blame "those idiots" who unknowingly handed over the control over their computers, with a slight air of exasperation. It may also be argued that there's more money to be made selling somewhat effective spam-fighting solutions than by emulating a doomed business model. But in reality, we've been cowed.

I had been hoping that the open source project could make it through the lack of a business model; after all, the open source movement seems like a liberating miracle. However, the DNS problem remained. So, even though I didn't use Blue Frog at the time, I have been hoping for almost 4 years now that DNS would be improved to resist the denial of service attacks that took Blue Security offline. I have been hoping that someone else would take up the challenge. However, all we have is modest success at (temporarily?) disabling particular botnets, semi-effective filtering, and mostly ineffective reporting. Since then, spammers have ruled the field practically uncontested.

Did you hear about Comcast's deployment of DNSSEC [2]? It sounds like a worthy improvement; it's DNS with security extensions, or "secure DNS". However, Denial-of-service (DoS) prevention is out-of-scope of DNSSEC! It has no DoS protections, and moreover there are reports of DoS "amplification attacks" exploiting the larger DNSSEC-aware response size [3]. Hum. Integrity is not the only problem with DNS! A search of IEEE Explore and the ACM digital library for "DNS DoS" reveals several relevant papers [4-7], including a DoS-resistant backwards compatible replacement for the current DNS from 2004. Another alternative, DNSCurve has protection for confidentiality, integrity and availability (DoS) [8], has just been deployed by OpenDNS [9] and is being proposed to the IETF DNSEXT working group [10]. This example of leadership suggests possibilities for meaningful challenges to organized internet crime. I will be eagerly watching for signs of progress in this area. We've kept our head low long enough.

1. Robert Lemos (2006) Blue Security folds under spammer's wrath. SecurityFocus. Accessed at
2. Comcast DNSSEC Information Center Accessed at
3. Bernstein DJ (2009) High-speed cryptography, DNSSEC, and DNSCurve. Accessed at:
4. Fanglu Guo, Jiawu Chen, Tzi-cker Chiueh (2006) Spoof Detection for Preventing DoS Attacks against DNS Servers. 26th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems.
5. Kambourakis G, Moschos T, Geneiatakis D, Gritzalis S (2007) A Fair Solution to DNS Amplification Attacks. Second International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis.
6. Hitesh Ballani, Paul Francis (2008) Mitigating DNS DoS attacks. Proceedings of the 15th ACM conference on Computer and communications security
7. Venugopalan Ramasubramanian, Emin Gün Sirer (2004) The design and implementation of a next generation name service for the internet. Proceedings of the 2004 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications
8. DNSCurve: Usable security for DNS (2009). Accessed at
9. Matthew Dempsky (2010) OpenDNS adopts DNSCurve. Accessed at
10. Matthew Dempsky (2010) [dnsext] DNSCurve Internet-Draft. Accessed at

Blast from the Past


Yes, I have been quiet (here) over the last few months, and have a number of things to comment on. This hiatus is partly because of schedule, partly because I had my laptop stolen, and partly health reasons. However, I'm going to try to start back into adding some items here that might be of interest.

To start, here is one item that I found while cleaning out some old disks: a briefing I gave at the NSA Research division in 1994. I then gave it, with minor updates, to the DOD CIO Council (or whatever their name was/is -- the CNSS group?), the Federal Infosec Research Council, and the Criticial Infrastructure Commission in 1998. In it, I spoke to what I saw as the biggest challenges in protecting government systems, and what were major research challenges of the time.

I have no software to read the 1994 version of the talk any more, but the 1998 version was successfully imported into Powerpoint. I cleaned up the fonts and gave it a different background (the old version was fugly) and that prettier version is available for download. (Interesting that back then it was "state of the art" grin

I won't editorialize on the content slide by slide, other than to note that I could give this same talk today and it would still be current. You will note that many of the research agenda items have been echoed in other reports over the succeeding years. I won't claim credit for that, but there may have been some influences from my work.

Nearly 16 years have passed by, largely wasted, because the attitude within government is still largely one of "with enough funding we can successfully patch the problems." But as I've quoted in other places, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So long as we believe that simple incremental changes to the existing infrastructure, and simply adding more funding for individual projects, is going to solve the problems then the problems will not get addressed -- they will get worse. It is insane to think that pouring ever more funding into attempts to "fix" current systems is going to succeed. Some of it may help, and much of it may produce some good research, but overall it will not make our infrastructure as safe as it should be.

Yesterday, Admiral (ret) Mike McConnell, the former Director of National Intelligence in the US, said in a Senate committee hearing that if there were a cyberwar today, the US would lose. That may not be quite the correct way of putting it, but we certainly would not come out of it unharmed and able to claim victory. What's more, any significant attack on the cyberinfrastructure of the US would have global repercussions because of the effects on the world's economy, communications, trade, and technology that are connected by the cyber infrastructure in the US.

As I have noted elsewhere, we need to do things differently. I have prepared and circulated a white paper among a few people in DC about one approach to changing the way we fund some of the research and education in the US in cybersecurity. I have had some of them tell me it is too radical, or too different, or doesn't fit in current funding programs. Exactly! And that is why I think we should try those things -- because doing more of the same in the current funding programs simply is not working.

But 15 years from now, I expect to run across these slides and my white paper, and sadly reflect on over three decades where we did not step up to really deal with the challenges. Of course, by then, there may be no working computers on which to read these!

Drone “Flaw” Known Since 1990s Was a Vulnerability

"The U.S. government has known about the flaw since the U.S. campaign in Bosnia in the 1990s, current and former officials said. But the Pentagon assumed local adversaries wouldn't know how to exploit it, the officials said." Call it what it is: it's a vulnerability that was misclassified (some might argue that it's an exposure, but there is clearly a violation of implicit confidentiality policies). This fiasco is the result of the thinking that there is no vulnerability if there is no threat agent with the capability to exploit a flaw. I argued against Spaf regarding this thinking previously; it is also widespread in the military and industry. I say that people using this operational definition are taking a huge risk if there's a chance that they misunderstood either the flaw, the capabilities of threat agents, present or future, or if their own software is ever updated. I believe that for software that is this important, an academic definition of vulnerability should be used: if it is possible that a flaw could conceptually be exploited, it's not just a flaw, it's a vulnerability, regardless of the (assumed) capabilities of the current threat agents. I maintain that (assuming he exists for the sake of this analogy) Superman is vulnerable to kryptonite, regardless of an (assumed) absence of kryptonite on earth.

The problem is that it is logically impossible to prove a negative, e.g., that there is no kryptonite (or that there is no God, etc...). Likewise, it is logically impossible to prove that there does not exist a threat agent with the capabilities to exploit a given flaw in your software. The counter-argument is then that the delivery of the software becomes impractical, as the costs and time required escalate to remove risks that are extremely unlikely. However, this argument is mostly security by obscurity: if you know that something might be exploitable, and you don't fix it because you think no adversary will have the capability to exploit it, in reality, you're hoping that they won't find or be told how (for the sake of this argument, I'm ignoring brute force computational capabilities). In addition, exploitability is a thorny problem. It is very difficult to be certain that a flaw in a complex system is not exploitable. Moreover, it may not be exploitable now, but may become so when a software update is performed! I wrote about this in "Classes of vulnerabilities and attacks". In it, I discussed the concept of latent, potential or exploitable vulnerabilities. This is important enough to quote:

"A latent vulnerability consists of vulnerable code that is present in a software unit and would usually result in an exploitable vulnerability if the unit was re-used in another software artifact. However, it is not currently exploitable due to the circumstances of the unit’s use in the software artifact; that is, it is a vulnerability for which there are no known exploit paths. A latent vulnerability can be exposed by adding features or during the maintenance in other units of code, or at any time by the discovery of an exploit path. Coders sometimes attempt to block exploit paths instead of fixing the core vulnerability, and in this manner only downgrade the vulnerability to latent status. This is why the same vulnerability may be found several times in a product or still be present after a patch that supposedly fixed it.

A potential vulnerability is caused by a bad programming practice recognized to lead to the creation of vulnerabilities; however the specifics of its use do not constitute a (full) vulnerability. A potential vulnerability can become exploitable only if changes are made to the unit containing it. It is not affected by changes made in other units of code. For example, a (potential) vulnerability could be contained in the private method of an object. It is not exploitable because all the object’s public methods call it safely. As long as the object’s code is not changed, this vulnerability will remain a potential vulnerability only.

Vendors often claim that vulnerabilities discovered by researchers are not exploitable in normal use. However, they are often proved wrong by proof of concept exploits and automated attack scripts. Exploits can be difficult and expensive to create, even if they are only proof-of-concept exploits. Claiming unexploitability can sometimes be a way for vendors to minimize bad press coverage, delay fixing vulnerabilities and at the same time discredit and discourage vulnerability reports. "

Discounting or underestimating the capabilities, current and future, of threat agents is similar to the claims from vendors that a vulnerability is not really exploitable. We know that this has been proven wrong ad nauseam. Add configuration problems to the use of the "operational definition" of a vulnerability in the military and their contractors, and you get an endemic potential for military catastrophies.

An old canard reappears (sort of)


I have a set of keywords registered with Google Alerts that result in a notification whenever they show up in a new posting. This helps me keep track of some particular topics of interest.

One of them popped up recently with a link to a review and some comments about a book I co-authored (Practical Unix & Internet Security, 3rd Edition). The latest revision is over 6 years old, but still seems to be popular with many security professionals; some of the specific material is out of date, but much of the general material is still applicable and is likely to be applicable for many years yet to come. At the time we wrote the first edition of the book there were only one or two books on computer security, so we included more material to make this a useful text and reference.

In general, I don't respond to reviews of my work unless there is an error of fact, and not always even then. If people like the book, great. If they don't, well, they're entitled to their opinions -- no matter how ignorant and ill-informed they may be. grin   

This particular posting included reviews from Amazon that must have been posted about the 2nd edition of the book, nearly a decade old, although their dates as listed on this site make it look like they are recent. I don't recall seeing all of the reviews before this.

One of the responses in this case was somewhat critical of me rather than the book: the text by James Rothschadl. I'm not bothered by his criticism of my knowledge of security issues. Generally, hackers who specialize in the latest attacks dismiss anyone not versed in their tools as ignorant, so I have heard this kind of criticism before. It is still the case that the "elite" hackers who specialize in the latest penetration tools think that they are the most informed about all things security. Sadly, some decision-makers believe this too, much to their later regret, usually because they depend on penetration analysis as their primary security mechanism.

What triggered this blog posting was when I read the comments that included the repetition of erroneous information originally in the book Underground by Suelette Dreyfus. In that book, Ms. Dreyfus recounted the exploits of various hackers and miscreants -- according to them. One such claim, made by a couple of hackers, was that they had broken into my account circa 1990. I do not think Ms. Dreyfus sought independent verification of this, because the story is not completely correct. Despite this, some people have gleefully pointed this out as "Spaf got hacked."

There are two problems with this tale. First, the computer account they broke into was on the CS department machines at Purdue. It was not a machine I administered (and for which I did not have administrator rights) -- it was on shared a shared faculty machine. Thus, the perps succeeded in getting into a machine run by university staff that happened to have my account name but which I did not maintain. That particular instance came about because of a machine crash, and the staff restored the system from an older backup tape. There had been a security patch applied between the backup and the crash, and the staff didn't realize that the patch needed to be reapplied after the backup.

But that isn't the main problem with this story: rather, the account they broke into wasn't my real account! My real account was on another machine that they didn't find. Instead, the account they penetrated was a public "decoy" account that was instrumented to detect such behavior, and that contained "bait" files. For instance, the perps downloaded a copy of what they thought was the Internet Worm source code. It was actually a copy of the code with key parts missing, and some key variables and algorithms changed such that it would partially compile but not run correctly. No big deal.

Actually, I got log information on the whole event. It was duly provided to law enforcement authorities, and I seem to recall that it helped lead to the arrest of one of them (but I don't recall the details about whether there was a prosecution -- it was 20 years ago, after all).

At least 3 penetrations of the decoy account in the early 1990s provided information to law enforcement agencies, as well as inspired my design of Tripwire. I ran decoys for several years (and may be doing so to this day grin. I always had a separate, locked down account for personal use, and even now keep certain sensitive files encrypted on removable media that is only mounted when the underlying host is offline. I understand the use of defense-in-depth, and the use of different levels of protection for different kinds of information. I have great confidence in the skills of our current system admins. Still, I administer a second set of controls on some systems. But i also realize that those defenses may not be enough against really determined, resourced attacks. So, if someone wants to spend the time and effort to get in, fine, but they won't find much of interest -- and they may be providing data for my own research in the process!