The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)


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This Week at CERIAS


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Purchasing Policies That Create a Barrier to Computing Diversity


The role of diversity in helping computer security received attention when Dan Geer was fired from @stake for his politically inconvenient considerations on the subject.  Recently, I tried to “increase diversity” by buying a Ubuntu system—that is, a system that would come with Ubuntu pre-loaded.  I have used Ubuntu for quite a while now and it has become my favorite for the desktop, for many reasons that I don’t want to expand upon here, and despite limitations on the manageability of multiple monitor support.  I wanted a system that would come with it pre-loaded so as not to pay for an OS I won’t use, not support companies that didn’t deserve that money, and be even less of a target than if I had used MacOS X.  I wanted a system that would have a pre-tested, supported Ubuntu installation.  I still can’t install 7.04 on a recent Sun machine (dual opteron) because of some problems with the SATA drivers on an AMD-64 platform (the computer won’t boot after the upgrade from 6.10).  I don’t want another system with only half-supported hardware or hardware that is sometimes supported, sometimes not as versions change.  I suppose that I could pay up the $250 that Canonical wants for 1 year of professional support, but there is no guarantee that they would be able to get the hardware to play nicely with 7.04.  With a pre-tested system, there is no such risk and there are economies of scale.  Trying to get software to play nicely after buying the hardware feels very much to me like putting the “cart before the horse”;  it’s a reactive approach that conflicts with best practices.

So, encouraged by the news of Dell selling Ubuntu machines, I priced out a machine and monitor.  When I requested a quote, I was told that this machine was available only for individual purchase, and that I needed to go on the institutional purchase site if I wanted to buy it with one of my grants.  Unfortunately, there wasn’t and still is no Ubuntu machine available for educational purchase on that site.  No amount of begging changed Dell’s bizarre business practices.  Dell’s representative for Purdue stated that this was due to “supply problems” and that Ubuntu machines may be available for purchase in a few months.  Perhaps.  The other suggestion was to buy a Dell Precision machine, but they only come with Red Hat Linux (see my point about supporting companies who deserve it), and they use ATI video hardware (ATI has a history of having bad drivers for Linux).

I then looked for desktops from other companies.  System76, and apparently nobody else (using internet searches), had what I wanted, except that they were selling only up to 20” monitors.  When I contacted them, they kindly and efficiently offered a 24” monitor for purchase, and sent me a quote.  I forwarded the quote for purchasing.

After a while, I was notified that System76 wasn’t a registered vendor with Purdue University, and that it costs too much to add a vendor that “is not likely to be much of a repeat vendor” and that Purdue is “unwilling to spend the time/money required to set them up as a new vendor in the purchasing system.”  I was also offered the possibility to buy the desktop and monitor separately, and because then the purchase would be done under different purchasing rules and with a credit card, I could buy them from System76 if I wanted…  but I would have to pay a 50% surcharge imposed by Purdue (don’t ask, it doesn’t make sense to me).

Whereas Purdue may have good reasons to do that from an accounting point of view, I note that educational, institutional purchases are subject to rules and restrictions that limit or make less practical computing diversity, assuming that this is a widespread practice.  This negatively impacts computing “macro-security” (security considered on a state-wide scale or larger).  I’m not pretending that the policies are new or that buying a non-mainstream computer has not been problematic in the past.  However, the scale of computer security problems has increased over the years,  and these policies have an effect on security that they don’t have on other items purchased by Purdue or other institutions.  We could benefit from being aware of the unfortunate effects of those purchasing policies;  I believe that exemptions for computers would be a good thing.

Edit: I wrote the wrong version numbers for Ubuntu in the original.
Edit (9/14/07): Changed the title from “Ubuntu Linux Computers 50% More Expensive: a Barrier to Computing Diversity” to “Purchasing Policies That Create a Barrier to Computing Diversity”, as it is the policies that are the problem, and the barriers are present against many products, not just Ubuntu Linux.

Comment Spam Extortion


An interesting new kind of comment spam showed up in our moderation queue today:

Author : Anikrichard (IP: [redacted] , [redacted].com)
E-mail : [redacted]
hello , my name is Richard and I know you get a lot of spammy comments ,
I can help you with this problem . I know a lot of spammers and I will ask them not to post on your site. It will reduce the volume of spam by 30-50% .In return Id like to ask you to put a link to my site on the index page of your site. The link will be small and your visitors will hardly notice it , its just done for higher rankings in search engines. Contact me icq [redacted] or write me [redacted](at) , i will give you my site url and you will give me yours if you are interested. thank you

A little “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” arrangement, it seems. I wonder how many people will fall for this protection racket.

Fun with Internet Video


[tags]network crime, internet video, extortion, streaming video[/tags]

Here’s an interesting story about what people can do if they gain access to streaming video at a poorly-protected site.  If someone on the other end of the phone is really convincing, what could she get the victims to do? 

FBI: Strip Or Get Bombed Threat Spreads - Local News Story - KPHO Phoenix:



[tags]cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, cyber crime, Estonia[/tags]
I am frequently asked about the likelihood of cyber war or cyber terrorism.  I’m skeptical of either being a stand-alone threat, as neither is likely to serve the goals of those who would actually wage warfare or commit terrorism.

The incidents in Estonia earlier this year were quite newsworthy and brought more people out claiming it was cyber terrorism or cyber warfare.  Nonsense!  It wasn’t terrorism, because it didn’t terrorize anyone—although it did annoy the heck out of many.  And as far as warfare goes, nothing was accomplished politically, and the “other side” was never even formally identified.

Basically, in Estonia there was a massive outbreak of cyber vandalism and cyber crime.

Carolyn Duffy Marsan did a nice piece in Network World on this topic.  She interviewed a number of people, and wrote it up clearly.  I especially like it because she quoted me correctly!  You can check out the article here: How close is World War 3.0? - Network World.  I think it represents the situation quite appropriately.

[As a humorous aside, I happened to do a search on the Network World site to see if another interview had appeared without me hearing about it.  I found this item that had appeared in December of 2006 and I didn’t know about it until now!  Darn, and to think I could have started recruiting minions in January. grin]