Tuesday, July 22, 2008 by
Ed Finkler in
R&D, Secure IT Practices

If you’re at OSCON, and you love security, you may or may not enjoy my talk on PHPSecInfo, a security auditing tool for the PHP environment. I’m actually going to try to show some new code, so if you’ve seen it before, you can see it again – for the first time.
The talk is at 1:45pm Thursday, 07/24/2008.
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The newest version of PHPSecInfo, version 0.2, is now available. Here are the major changes:
- Added link to “more info” in output. These lead to pages on the phpsec.org site giving more details on the test and what to do if you have a problem
- Modified CSS to improve readability and avoid license issue with PHP (the old CSS was derived from the output of
- New test:
- Added display of “current” and “recommended” settings in test result output
- Various minor changes and bug fixes; see the CHANGELOG for details
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