The CAE program was established by the NSA in late 1998. Purdue was one of the first seven universities certified as CAEs, in May of 1999.

The Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Research (CAE-R) designation indicates that an institution increases the understanding of robust cyber defense technology, policy, and practices that will enable our Nation to prevent and respond to a catastrophic event. Eligible institutions must be a DoD school, a Ph.D. producing military academy, or a regionally accredited Ph.D. degree-granting college or university. Institutions must identify as a Doctoral University – Highest Research Activity (R1), Doctoral University – Higher Research Activity (R2), or Doctoral University – Moderate Research Activity (R3) as determined by the Carnegie Foundation Basic Classification system (and/or other independent body to measure CD) or provide a written justification as to significant CD research. An institution or program must apply for re-designation every five academic years.