The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Information Security Courses

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The need for responsible use of information and computing/networking systems threads through business processes, research endeavors, and our daily lives. Departments across Purdue offer classes that address information security, privacy, and risk management topics from various perspectives.The following is a list of infosec-related courses that have been offered at Purdue. The first group of courses listed below focus on information security topics specifically. The second group of courses may be considered complementary, in that they address areas of risk management (e.g., physical security and auditing), data collection and transmission, or legal/regulatory practices and records management (which have an information component).

Information Security Courses

Computer Sciences

CRN Course # Course Name
52675 CS 30700 Software Engineering I
13246 CS 35500 Introduction To Cryptography
CS 42600 Computer Security
CS 47100 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
15069 CS 47800 Introduction to Bioinformatics
15430 CS 49000 Secure Network Programming
52695 CS 50200 Compiling and Programming Systems
13272 CS 50300 Operating Systems
46101 CS 52600 Information Security
13281 CS 53600 Data Communication and Computer Networks
10807 CS 54100 Database Systems
CS 54200 Distributed Database Systems
12526 CS 55500 Cryptography
CS 56500 Programming Languages
12304 CS 57300 Data Mining
38512 CS 58000 Algorithm Design, Analysis, And Implementation
34240 CS 59100 Information Security and Cybercrime Seminar
CS 62600 Advanced Information Assurance
CS 63600 Internetworking
CS 65500 Advanced Cryptology

Computer and Information Technology

CRN Course # Course Name
CNIT 22700 Introduction to Bioinformatics
CNIT 42000 Basic Cyber Forensics
CNIT 42100 Small Scale Digital Device Forensics
13461 CNIT 45500 Network Security
CNIT 45600 Wireless Security and Management
17299 CNIT 48101 Problems in National Information Security
59916 CNIT 51100 Foundations in Homeland Security Studies
CNIT 51200 Managing Resources and Applications for Homeland Security
CNIT 55500 Advanced Network Security
13485 CNIT 55600 Basic Computer Forensics
CNIT 55700 Advanced Research Topics in Cyber Forensics
57863 CNIT 55800 Bioinformatics Computing and Systems Integration
16351 CNIT 58100 Workshop in Computer Technology
CNIT 58100 Problems in National Information Security
CNIT 58100 Cyberforensics of Malware
CNIT 58100 Apple Forensics
CNIT 58100 Homeland Security Seminar

Homeland Security

CRN Course # Course Name
ASM 59100 Foundation in Homeland Security Studies

Industrial Technology

CRN Course # Course Name
15683 IT 50700 Measurement and Evaluation in Industry and Technology
IT 54000 Biometric Performance & Usability Analysis
21264 IT 54500 Biometrics Technology And Applications

Computer & Information Technology (IUPUI)

CRN Course # Course Name
CIT 40600 Advanced Network Security
CIT 41500 Advanced Network Administration
CIT 42000 Digital Forensics
CIT 43100 Applied Secure Protocols
CIT 49900D File System Forensics

Computer Information Systems & Information Technology (Purdue Calumet)

CRN Course # Course Name
ITS 200 Ethical and Legal Issues of IT
ITS 250 Fundamentals of Information Assurance
ITS 350 Systems Assurance
ITS 352 Disaster Recovery and Planning
ITS 354 Information Assurance Risk Assessment
ITS 450 Software Assurance
ITS 452 Computer Forensics

Complementary Courses

Agricultural Economics

CRN Course # Course Name
AGEC 59600 Forensic Economics
AGEC 60800 Benefit-Cost Analysis
AGEC 69100 Health and Population Economics

Aviation Technology

CRN Course # Course Name
AT 38100 Aviation Security
AT 53200 Contemporary Issues in Transportation Security


CRN Course # Course Name
46447 COM 51200 Theories Of Interpersonal Communication
COM 51800 Theories of Persuasion
COM 55900 Current Trends In Mass Communication Research
16158 COM 57400 Organizational Communication
63949 COM 59000 Directed Study of Special Problems
63874 COM 60000 Foundations of Human Communication Inquiry I
COM 60100 Foundations of Human Communication Inquiry II
63877 COM 61000 Seminar: Special Topics in Rhetorical Studies
COM 61200 Seminar: Special Topics In Interpersonal Communication
16610 COM 63200 Special Topics In Mass Communication
COM 67400 Seminar: Special Topics In Organzational Communication
COM 67600 Seminar: Special Topics in Health Communication

Consumer Sciences & Retailing

CRN Course # Course Name
17444 CSR 38600 Risk Management
CSR 63100 Consumer Behavior Theory

Electrical and Computer Engineering

CRN Course # Course Name
ECE 48300 Digital Control Systems Analysis and Design
17842 ECE 54400 Digital Communications
12003 ECE 56500 Computer Architecture
34846 ECE 57000 Artificial Intelligence
52991 ECE 57300 Compilers and Translator Writing Systems

Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology

CRN Course # Course Name
ECET 30900 Advanced Embedded Microcontrollers
ECET 37400 Digital Telecommunications


CRN Course # Course Name
59875 ECON 60600 Microeconomic Theory I
18239 ECON 60700 Microeconomic Theory II
ECON 61000 Game Theory


CRN Course # Course Name
EDCI 64400 Legal Issues in Career and Technical Education
EDPS 53300 Introduction to Educational Research I: Methodology
ENE 69500 Advanced Topics in Engineering Education


CRN Course # Course Name
ENGL 62800 Natural Language Process


CRN Course # Course Name
ENTM 31800 Criminalistics

Forestry & Natural Resources

CRN Course # Course Name
20785 FNR 35700 Fundamental Remote Sensing
20820 FNR 55800 Digital Remote Sensing and GIS

Industrial Engineering

CRN Course # Course Name
11725 IE 53000 Quality Control
43174 IE 57700 Human Factors in Engineering
15189 IE 65900 Human Aspects of Computing
IE 67400 Cpt Com Mth Prod Control


CRN Course # Course Name
68605 LING 50000 Introduction to Linguistics
16378 LING 52100 Syntax I: Syntactic Analysis
68124 LING 53100 Semantics I: Lexical and Sentential Semantics
LING 53200 Semantics II: Formal And Grammatical Semantics
LING 59300 Special Topics in Semantics
15097 LING 68900 Natural Language Processing


CRN Course # Course Name
23810 MGMT 38200 Management Information Systems
16423 MGMT 41300 Advance Corporate Financial Management
MGMT 41500 International Financial Management
23840 MGMT 45500 Legal Background for Business I
58737 MGMT 45600 Legal Background for Business II
23870 MGMT 50500 Management Accounting II
69535 MGMT 50600 Auditing
MGMT 53200 Forensic Accounting
52590 MGMT 54400 Database Management Systems
MGMT 54500 Systems Development
23876 MGMT 54700 Computer Communication Systems
23878 MGMT 56100 Logistics
23898 MGMT 59000 Directed Readings In Management
23902 MGMT 60000 Accounting for Managers
69351 MGMT 60100 Managerial Accounting
MGMT 61400 Changed to Investments from Portfolio Management I
58944 MGMT 63000 Legal and Social Foundations of Management
11450 MGMT 68300 Management Information Systems

Human Resources

CRN Course # Course Name
OBHR 64200 Comp And Reward Syst I
15318 OBHR 68100 Managing Behavior in Organizations
OBHR 68300 Individual Behavior in Organizations


CRN Course # Course Name
15374 PHIL 58000 Proseminar in Philosophy
PHIL 62400 Seminar in Ethics

Political Science

CRN Course # Course Name
POL 62000 Proseminar Public Policy
POL 62200 Research Seminar in Public Policy And Public Administration
11882 POL 63100 Research Seminar In International Relations

Polytechnic Institute

CRN Course # Course Name
16953 TECH 58100 Workshop In Technology
TECH 62100 IAE Information Assurance Ethics
TECH 62100 TAP Technology Policy
29323 TECH 64600 Analysis of Research in Industry and Technology


CRN Course # Course Name
43172 PSY 57700 Human Factors in Engineering


CRN Course # Course Name
14644 SOC 41900 Sociology of Law


CRN Course # Course Name
STAT 50200 Experimental Statistics II
59698 STAT 51200 Applied Regression Analysis
11726 STAT 51300 Statistical Quality Control
13439 STAT 51400 Design of Experiments
48656 STAT 51700 Statistical Inference

Save the Date!

Our annual security symposium will take place on April 1 & 2, 2025.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN

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