The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

News & Blogs

Symantec Announces Second Fellowship at Purdue University for Information Security Research and Educ

Thu, January 29, 2004General

CUPERTINO, Calif. - Oct. 29, 2003 - Symantec Corp. (Nasdaq:SYMC), the world leader in Internet security, today announced its second fellowship at Purdue University

CERIAS Students Receive Honorable Mention from CRA

Tue, December 09, 2003General

This month, the Computing Research Association announced its Outstanding
Undergraduate Awards for 2004. CONGRATULATIONS to Erika Shehan and Nina
Tang, both CERIAS undergraduate students.

Leading Cyber Security Experts Identify Key Research Challenges

Mon, December 01, 2003General

Computing leaders present “grand research challenges” on Capitol Hill. Privacy Perceptions Survey

Mon, November 17, 2003General

This second version of its kind can be completed online.

InfoSec Seminar for High School Principals in NJ

Wed, October 08, 2003General

To be held on Tuesday, October 28

Keeping Information Safe: Practices for K-12 Schools

Tue, September 02, 2003General

The CERIAS K-12 Outreach Program is committed to helping K-12 school systems increase the security of their information systems and in integrating information security into existing school curriculum. As part of our efforts, CERIAS has received a grant from the Indiana Higher Education Telecommunications System (IHETS) to develop educational multimedia for K-12 educators.

Security Perspectives

Fri, August 29, 2003General

Computer Forensics: Science or Fad?

By Marc Rogers

Addressing the People Problem: Human Performance Technology

Fri, August 29, 2003General

by Matt Rose

Originally appeared at

CERIAS announces the beta launch of Elisa

Tue, July 08, 2003General

CERIAS announces the beta launch of a new service for managing vulnerabilities and patches.  Elisa (Enterprise-Level Information Security and Assurance) is free and is starting beta testing at:

The site is expected to conclude beta testing and be fully operational (at a different url) at the beginning of August.