The CERIAS K-12 site is steadily growing. If you haven’t seen it yet or have not been there in a while then check it out. Interesting recent additions include:
The kid-friendly, parent and teacher hotlists are still available and are a great resource for links appropriate for children.
Abhilasha Bhargav was named a recipient of the Intel Research Award Contest for Undergraduate Students. Abhilasha will work under the direction of Professor Wagstaff with a focus on watermarking.
CERIAS’ director, Gene Spafford, was recently bestowed two honors. The first, the Information Systems Security Association recognized him as a Hall of Famer for 2001 and the National Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education awarded him the William Hugh Murray Medal for his outstanding contributions to information security. You can read more about it in this article at Yahoo.
IFIP/sec is the annual conference of IFIP-TC11 on “Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems”. This year the conference is back in Europe: it will be held at Disneyland Paris, from June 11-13, 2001. More information on this conference is available online.
We are looking for a new assistant director here at CERIAS. The official description sums up what we are looking for. If you are interested, please contact us.
The second annual research symposium is this week! It will be held on April 26-27 in Stewart Center here on the West Lafayette campus. See the symposium page for more information.
Purdue University recognizes their best instructors with the Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Awards in Memory of Charles B. Murphy. For 2001, Eugene Spafford, the director of CERIAS was bestowed this tribute. This award, the university’s highest undergraduate teaching honor, is given for exemplary performance in all levels of instruction on the West Lafayette campus. You may read more in the news service press release.
This feature story from Sun Microsystems talks about how the corporation is answering the call to improve overall software security and quality. This initiative is partly in response to Sun’s participation in the Security Vision Roundtable CERIAS held in conjunction with Accenture last September.
The Purdue Information Systems Security Office (ISSO) provides lots of security related software products free to Purdue University employees. For more information on site-licensed applications, see the ISSO site.
The objective of this symposium is to provide an effective forum for researchers and practitioners who are interested in distributed systems design and development, particularly with reliability, availability, safety, security, or real-time properties. We welcome original research papers as well as papers that deal with development experiences and experimental results of operational systems. See the official website for more information.