The IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Information Assurance has released a Call for Papers for it’s International Information Assurance Workship (IWIA2003). The workshop will take place on Monday, March 24 2003 in Darmstadt, Germany. Full details and contact information are available at:
The Applied Computer Security Associates (ACSA) is sponsoring a workshop to examine engineering fundamentals, the principles and practice of designing and building secure systems. The workshop will look at where we have been in security engineering (formal methods, Orange book, Common Criteria, penetrate and patch, Certification and Accreditation, Defense in Depth) and where we should go. Please visit for information about the workshop.
“Securing the Collaborative Enterprise” will be the first of CNET’s upcoming “Enabled Enterprise Series” of conferences. It will take place on November 5th and 6th, in the Westin Santa Clara Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. Detailed information is available at:
Privacy & American Business (P&AB) announces creation of the first national online privacy and privacy-related job employment website.
The National Cybercrime Conference will be taking place at The John Marshall Law School in Chicago on May 9-11, 2002. Speakers include practicing experts from government and industry who are making and enforcing the law today. More information is available at
Researchers at NC State University have developed a new internet site to provide individuals and companies resources about privacy issues. To learn more check out the NC State College of Engineering News
Internet crime expert Jayne Hitchcock, founder of the organization Working to Halt Online Abuse, will speak at Purdue about her personal experience
with cyberstalking and what can be done to prevent it. She will speak at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 20, in Fowler Hall. The lecture, sponsored by the Women’s Resource Office, is free and open to the public. For all the information check out the University News
CERIAS’s Director, Gene Spafford, was interviewed by the PKI Forum on August 30. Click
here to see what he had to say.
The Fourth Annual e-ProtectIT Infrastructure Security Conference will be held March 20th - 22nd 2002 at Norwich University in Northfield, VT. If you are interested in this or any other conference, please check out the CERIAS
Events Calendar
This two day course will provide an interesting look at Information Security as it crosses two of the most popular platforms in today’s world. We will be looking at the security of Unix and Windows 2000. This course will highlight several areas of security including: IP Based Restriction, File System Security, File System Sharing to the Network, Cryptography, Delegation of Control, Logging, Creating a Forensic Trail, Intrusion Detection, and Virus Detection. We will look at each of these areas and how you can most effectively implement them on each platform.