The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

News & Blogs

Apple Fights the Feds on iPhone Security Hack - CNBC

Fri, February 19, 2016CERIAS Media Citings

“This gets to the root of the issue,” said Purdue professor Gene Spafford, a cybersecurity expert who has also advised government agencies including the NSA, FBI and Air Force. “If the Chinese or the Iranian government under their legal system has all the legal requirements met to break the encryption or look at what is on a phone, they would have a same standing as the U.S. government does in this case to compel Apple to cooperate.”

Tracking Plainfield’s cyberthreats: ‘Like peeling an onion’

Mon, January 04, 2016CERIAS Media Citings

Experts say investigations into cybercrime are complicated, and that police are probably making progress that isn’t readily apparent.
“So long as you don’t have someone very sophisticated doing it, they are likely to get caught,” said Professor Eugene H. Spafford, who studies cybersecurity at Purdue University.

Cyber Security in Stasis

Sat, October 24, 2015General

U.S. Navy Awards Purdue $3 million to Advance Alternative Energy Research, Course Development

Wed, October 07, 2015CERIAS Media Citings

Congratulations to CERIAS-affiliated professors Dongyan Xu and Xiangyu Zhang whose research “Toward vetted sensing and control system firmware and software” project is being supported by the U.S. Navy.