The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

News & Blogs

Spafford Speaks on Cybersecurity Threats at the University of Delaware

Mon, December 18, 2006General

CERIAS  Executive Director Eugene Spafford  recently spoke at the University of Delaware as part of their Distinguished Lecture Series.

Rasmus Joins CERIAS Staff Rasmus Joins CERIAS Staff

Mon, November 27, 2006General

Marketing professional Joel Rasmus has joined CERIAS as Manager of Corporate Relations.

Yet another timing attack

Sun, November 19, 2006General

CERIAS Researcher Edward Delp Awarded Distinguished Professorship

Wed, November 08, 2006CERIAS Media Citings

Professor Edward Delp was one of 24 recipients internationally of Distinguished Professorship from the Academy of Finland.