Fellowships for up to $150,000 per fellow per award for cyber security R&D are available from the I3P (Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection - www.thei3p.org).
How do we negotiate trust in a world of imperfect knowledge, conflicting information, and indirect communication? Trust acknowledges the existence of risk, but infers that the calculated risk is manageable and acceptable—that a decision
Professor Spafford has been interviewed about a variety of topics as part of a series of articles profiling ACM Fellows.
PKIForum.com has published a multi-part interview with Professor Spafford discussing security from the user’s standpoint, as well as PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) issues.
Professor Spafford has been profiled by USA Today as part of a series of "people to watch" in 2001.
Professor Spafford has been quoted extensively in an article by the Interpol European Working Group on Information Technology Crime. The article deals with the hiring of "black-hat" and "grey-hat" computer experts.