The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

News & Blogs

Info. Assurance Education Grad Certificate Program

Mon, July 18, 2005Feature

CERIAS is accepting applications to the Information Assurance Education
Graduate Certificate Program.  In order to meet the demand for trained
faculty to develop and teach Information Assurance programs at colleges
and universities across the nation, Purdue University is offering an 11
credit hour graduate certificate program for college and university
educators who want to develop Information Assurance (IA) programs at
their institutions.  Funding will cover tuition, fees, and room and
board expenses for selected college and university educators/faculty.
The deadline for applications is March 15, 2003.

Learn More

Symantec Fellowship Symantec Fellowship

Mon, July 18, 2005Feature

Symantec Corp has announced the Symantec Fellowship at CERIAS.

The Symantec Fellowship will provide full tuition costs and a stipend up to a total of $50,000 in support of a graduate student enrolled in or accepted to a two-year graduate program at CERIAS in pursuit of a degree.

Applications will be accepted immediately with a deadline set for Feb 27, 2004.  The Symantec Fellowship will be awarded at the 5th annual CERIAS Spring Symposium held on the West Lafayette, IN, campus of Purdue University.

2002 Wireless Security Forum 2002 Wireless Security Forum

Mon, July 18, 2005Feature

On May 6-7, 2002, CERIAS and Accenture invited a respected group of national and international experts to come together to examine the issues, weigh the benefits and risks, and present a set of guidelines for wireless technologies. Eighteen leading security experts and researchers from technology, business, and government met in Washington D.C. to explore these challenges and articulate a vision for a safer wireless world.

CIRDB & Cassandra

Mon, July 18, 2005Feature

The CERIAS Incident Response Database is a web-based system intended to be used while responding to incidents. It enhances preparedness by providing host, policy, service, and vulnerability management capabilities.

Cassandra is a public tool based on the CVE effort and NIST’s ICAT metabase that contributes to macro-security by providing best-effort vulnerability notifications.

SISW05, the 3rd International IEEE Security in Storage Workshop

Tue, July 12, 2005General

3rd International IEEE Security in Storage Workshop December 13, 2005

Golden Gate Holiday Inn, San Francisco, California USA

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society

Task Force on Information Assurance (TFIA) Part of the IEEE Information

Assurance Activities (IEEEIA)

Held In Cooperation and Co-Located With the 4th USENIX Conference on

File and Storage Technologies (FAST05) December 14-16, 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA

In Cooperation with the IEEE Mass Storage Systems Technical Committee (MSSTC)

Open position in Information Security at Royal Holloway, University of London

Thu, June 23, 2005General

Information Security Group

Royal Holloway, University of London

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Information Security

ACM SIGSAC Awards Call For Nominations

Mon, June 20, 2005General


ACM SIGSAC is planning to offer two annual awards: SIGSAC Outstanding Innovation Award and SIGSAC Outstanding Contributions Award.  The first awards will be given at the 2005 CCS. At most one award will be given each year in each category.

CANS 2005 Submission Deadline Extension

Mon, June 20, 2005General

4th International Conference on


(CANS 2005)

Network/Computer Security Workshop CFP

Mon, June 20, 2005Call For Papers

Network/Computer Security Workshop

August 4-5th, Bethlehem, PA 18015

SADFE 2005 CFP Deadline Extension

Tue, June 14, 2005Call For Papers

The deadline for submission of papers to SADFE 2005 has been extended to 30 June, 2005!