The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

News & Blogs

The Third IEEE International Information Assurance Workshop

Fri, October 15, 2004General

Need an outlet for a work-in-progress paper?

Printer forensics to aid homeland security, tracing counterfeiters

Wed, October 13, 2004General

Researchers at Purdue University have developed a method that will enable authorities to trace documents to specific printers.

Public Lecture: Innovation That Matters

Wed, October 13, 2004General

You are cordially invited to a public lecture by Ray Sokola.

Join us for the Secure Indiana Conference

Wed, October 13, 2004General

Plan to join us for Secure Indiana:  Protecting Indiana

Fourth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security Call for Papers

Wed, October 06, 2004Call For Papers

Original Research Papers on all aspects of the Economics of Information Security are solicited for submission to the Fourth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security.

I.J. of Information and Computer Security (IJICS) Call for Papers

Mon, September 27, 2004Call For Papers

The Journal invites papers representing synergy between theory and practices to help policy makers and executives manage information and computer security and its related technologies.  It focuses on theory, design, implementation, analysis, and application of secure information and computer systems.


Fri, September 03, 2004General

Full-Time Post-Graduate Information Security Students Can Receive Up to $12,500 Apiece in Individual Awards

Symantec Announces CERIAS Fellowship

Mon, August 30, 2004General

On December 9, 2002, Symantec Corp announced the Symantec Fellowship at CERIAS.

Blaster suspect admits to court he created virus (

Fri, August 13, 2004General

A 19-year-old Minneapolis man has pleaded guilty to unleashing part of the MSBlast worm attack that wreaked havoc on the internet last summer.