The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

News & Blogs

Ashcroft wins Internet wiretap system (

Thu, August 12, 2004General

U.S. regulators on Wednesday ruled tentatively in favor of an FBI and Justice Department proposal that would compel Internet broadband and VoIP providers to open their networks up to easy surveillance by law enforcement agencies.

Expert professor adds prestige to University

Fri, August 06, 2004General

A faculty member

CERIAS is a Downlink Site for Infragard Conference

Tue, April 13, 2004General

To be held on April 28, 2004, from 8:30am to 3:30 pm, in the CERIAS conference room (Rec 217)

CCS 2004 Call For Papers

Thu, March 04, 2004Call For Papers


October 25-29, 2004, Wyndham City Center Hotel, Washington, DC, U.S.

Select Committee on Homeland Security Releases Comprehensive Paper

Tue, March 02, 2004General

America at Risk: Closing the Security Gap acknowledges that although the United States is safer than it was before September 11, significant security gaps remain.

RAID 2004 Call For Papers

Tue, March 02, 2004Call For Papers

“Intrusion Detection and Society” - Seventh International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection

ESORICS 2004 Call For Papers

Tue, March 02, 2004Call For Papers

9th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security

Prof. Spafford discusses wi-fi security on local TV

Tue, March 02, 2004General

An interview with Prof. Eugene Spafford, Executive Director of CERIAS, will be shown on 3/4/2004 and 3/5/2004 at 6 and 11pm on WLFI-TV 18‘s evening news.  Spafford discusses security issues with home wireless networks.

I3P Fellowship Program Call for Proposals

Mon, February 23, 2004General

The Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (I3P) is distributing a call for proposals to top schools and individual researchers across the country.  It will also be posted to the I3P web site (  Information about I3P Consortium members’ research interests and points of contact will also be posted to the I3P web site.

Trustees award 2 distinguished professorships, 1 posthumous degree

Fri, February 06, 2004General

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. – The Purdue University Board of Trustees today (Friday, 2/6) approved the appointment of two distinguished professors and one posthumous graduate degree at the West Lafayette campus.