The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

CERIAS Graduates 7 PhDs in August 2005

CERIAS Graduates 7 PhDs in August 2005
Mon, October 03, 2005General

Purdue’s Summer 2005 graduation ceremony featured seven PhDs from CERIAS.

Purdue’s graduation of August 2005 was sunny and hot. CERIAS had seven PhDs graduate in the ceremony (six CS and one Linguistics). In alphabetic order, they were:

  •   Florian Buchholz (advisor: Spafford)
  • James Early (advisors: Brodley and Spafford)
  • Keith Frikken (advisor: Atallah)
  • Murat Kantarcioglu (advisor: Clifton)
  • Evgueniya Malaia (advisor: Raskin)
  • Weichao Wang (advisor: Bhargava)
  • Paul Williams (advisor: Spafford)

Following are some pictures following graduation (click on the thumbnail to get the full picture). Unfortunately, my camera didn’t quite get the right balance because of all the sun, so some of these are a little washed out, and I don’t have a program such as Photoshop to fix them up. If someone reading this wants to try that, or wants the full (large) photo files for other reasons, drop me a line.

If any of the students involved has good digital pictures of similar scenes, I would appreciate copies.

Again, congratulations to our grads!

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  Picture of (left to right) Jim Early, Florian Buchholz, Spaf, and Paul Williams. (I used to be taller, but these guys wore me down.)
Jim Early, Florian Bucholz, Spaf, Paul Willams

Picture of Spaf and Evgueniya ("Evie") Malaia. Hint #1: Evie is the much prettier one. Hint #2: Spaf is the one with the beard.
Spaf and Evgueniya Malaia

Picture of Florian and Spaf.  The wind caught Florian’s tassle at the last moment.
Florian and Spaf

Another picture of Florian and Spaf,  Florian has had his tassle adjusted.  Despite that,  he’s still smiling.
Florian and Spaf

Picture of Jim Early and Spaf. Jim had the dark glasses on in case my tam fell off—the sun reflecting off my bald spot two feet below him might have been blinding!
Jim Early and Spaf 

Another picture of Jim and Spaf.
Jim Early and Spaf

Picture of Spaf and Paul Williams
  Spaf and Paul Williams

Another picture of Spaf and Paul
Spaf and Paul Williams

A third picture of Spaf and Paul, this one proving that he was not standing on a box.  I guess I really am that short!
Spaf and Paul Williams

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