The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Antonio Bianchi

 Antonio Bianchi


Assistant Professor 



PhD in Computer Science, 2018 - UC Santa Barbara
MSc in Computer Science, 2012 - University of Illinois at Chicago
MSc in Computer Engineering, 2012 - Politecnico di Milano

Notable Awards

Aug 2020 Best Paper Award — USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT)

Feb 2017 Distinguished Paper Award — Network & Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS)

Aug 2016 Third Place (First Place Self-funded Team) — DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge

Mar 2012 Regents Special Fellowship — University of California, Santa Barbara 


My research interest lies in the area of Computer Security. My primary focus is in the field of security of mobile devices. In particular, I am interested in identifying novel security issues in these devices and applying both static and dynamic analysis techniques to detect vulnerable and malicious mobile apps automatically. I am also interested in developing new methods to analyze compiled binary code. More recently, I started exploring the security issues posed by IoT devices and their interaction with mobile applications. As a core member of the Shellphish and OOO teams, I played and organized many security competitions (CTFs), and I won the third place at the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge. 


  • Authentication and identification
  • Cyberphysical systems and IoT
  • Mobile/Pervasive/Ambient/Ubiquitous
  • Operating Systems
  • Security of AI/ML
  • Vulnerabilities and Patch Management