2014 Ph.D. University of Toronto, Dept. of ECE
2008 M.S. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Dept. of EE
2004 B.E. Beihang University, Dept. of Electronic Information Engineering
Notable Awards
NSF Award (2022 to Present) for a project "FW-HTF-P: Interactive Multi-Human Multi-Remote-Robot Operations for the Future of Construction Work", My Role: PI, $150.000K.
NSF EAGER Award (2021 to Present) for a project "EAGER: SaTC-EDU: Cybersecurity Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Novel Proactive and Collaborative Learning Paradigm", My Role: PI, $299.934K.
NASA Early Career Faculty Grant (2017 - Present) for project “RNCP: A Resilient Networking and Computing Paradigm for NASA Space Exploration”, My Role: PI, $333.020K.
Homeland Security National Training Program Continuing Training Grant (2020 to Present) for a collaborative project "Cyber Resilience Adaptive Virtual Reality Experiences (CRAVRE)," with Texas A&M University, My Role: Co-PI, $1.5M.
Transportation Research Board (2021 to Present) for a collaborative project "Airport Blockchain Implementation Guidebook," with InterVISTAS Consulting, Inc, My Role: Co-PI, $21036 (My Share).
Transportation Research Board (2021 to Present) for a project "A Toolkit for Establishing Airport Catchment Areas," My Role: Co-PI, $300K
DoE, SuNLaMP Award (2016-2019) for a collaboration project “SuNLaMP: Opportunistic Hybrid Communications Systems for Distributed PV Coordination” with National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), My Role: University PI, $261.781K (My share).
Purdue Agriculture-Polytechnic Collaborative Projects Competition (2021 to Present) for a project "Automated Monitoring and Management of Plant Nitrogen Status in Organic Farming Using Decentralized and Collaborative IoT Sensors and Image
Analyses," My Role: PI, $26984
UA NSF I-Corps (2018 - 2019) for Project “3S-Chain: Smart, Secure, and Software-Defined Networking (SDN)-Powered Blockchain-Powered Networking and Monitoring System”, $2.5K.
UA NSF I-Corps (2019) for Project “Crowdsourced AI”, $2.5K.
2015 Firestone Research Initiative Fellowship Award, $10 K.
Best Paper Award at The 1st IEEE Conference on Energy lnternet and Energy System lntegration for paper entitled “Towards Resilient Networked Microgrids Blockchain-Based Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading Mechanism”.
Best Paper Award at 2016 IEEE PES General Meeting for paper entitled “Towards Smarter Cities: A Self-Healing Resilient Microgrid Social Network”.
Best Paper Award at International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research for paper entitled “A Self-Healing Microgrid Social Network with Distributed Energy Trading Mechanism”.
Best Paper Award Finalist (2012) at Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) for paper entitled “On the Use of Cyber-Physical Hierarchy for Smart Grid Security and Efficient Control”.
Jin Wei-Kocsis is an Assistant Professor of Computer & Information Technology (CIT). Prior to coming to Purdue University, Dr. Wei-Kocsis worked as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Akron from 2014 to 2019 and worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in 2014.
Her research interests include developing deep learning–driven security and privacy for cyber-physical-social systems, designing hybrid weakly supervised deep learning algorithm exploiting domain knowledge, developing blockchain-powered internet of thing (IoT)-enabled secure and privacy-preserving crowdsourced computing paradigm, designing social sensing-enabled situational awareness mechanism, designing opportunistic and attack-resilient hybrid networking infrastructure for smart grids, developing bio-inspired assured reinforcement learning–based real-time optimal decision making, designing decentralized and secure computing and networking paradigm for deep space exploration, and developing low-complexity machine learning algorithm and its digital VLSI implementation. Based on the research achievements, she has received NSF EAGER Grant, NASA Early Career Faculty Grant, DoE/SuNLaMP Award, UA NSF I-Corps Grants, and Firestone Research Initiative Fellowship Award. She has also achieved multiple best paper awards for the journal and conference publications.