Distinguished Professor
Office Phone
(765) 494-3782
B.A./B.S., M.A./M.S., Ph.D. in Structural, Computational, and Mathematical Linguistics from Moscow State University.
Research Areas
Natural Language Processing, Ontology, Computational Semantics, World and Lexical Knowledge Acquisition, Humor.
Key Areas
Security Awareness, Education, Training
Cryptology and Rights Management
Notable Experience
Founded the Interdepartmental Program in Linguistics at Purdue and chaired it in 1979-99. Also founded the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Laboratory at Purdue in 1986 and has coordinated it ever since. Together with Sergei Nirenburg, Director, Computing Research Laboratory, New Mexico State University, developed a ground-breaking ontological semantic approach to NLP that, for the first time, provides near-comprehensive semantic capabilities to NLP systems and thus ensures their accuracy. PI, co-PI, and PI-level consultant for a large number of NLP research grants since 1966 in native Russia, Israel, and this country, most recently on the interface of NLP and information security. Served on the CERIAS Internal Advisory Board since its inception. Charter Member, Internal Advisory Board, CERIAS.Together with Professor Mikhail Atallah, pioneered research on the interface of natural language processing and information security.
Author of 16 books and close to 200 articles on natural language processing (computational linguistics), linguistic and semantic theory, philosophy of language and science, and various applications of linguistics and computational linguistics to adjacent areas, including to information security.