James J. Solberg Head Ransburg Professor of Industrial Engineering
Office Phone
PhD, Penn State, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 2000
MS, Penn State, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, 1998
BS, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Industrial Engineering, 1996
Research Areas
Real-time Control of Smart Factory and Extended Enterprises via Digital-Twin
Modeling Human Decision-Making (Extended Belief-Desire-Intention Model)
Multi-paradigm Simulations (agent, discrete event, system dynamics, virtual reality)
Modeling and Control of Emerging Applications (Emergency Evacuation, Healthcare, UAV/UGV Coordination, Social Network)
Key Areas
Manufacturing, Operations Research, Production Systems
Dr. Son’s research specializes in modeling and control of complex manufacturing and service enterprises and distributed federation of multi-paradigm simulations. He has authored/co-authored more than 100 journal papers and in excess of 100 conference papers. He is a fellow and senior vice president of continuing education in the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), a department editor for IISE Transactions, an INFORMS Meetings Committee member, and a board member of the Winter Simulation Conference. He received the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) 2004 Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, the IISE 2005 Outstanding Young IE Award, and the IISE Annual Conference and Expo Best Track Paper Awards (2005, 2008, 2009, 2016, 2018, 2019).