The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Somali Chaterji

 Somali Chaterji


Associate Professor 


Postdoc, Computer Science, Purdue [NSF Center for Science of Information (CSoI) Fellow].
Postdoc, Biomedical Eng, Univ of Texas, Austin [American Heart Association (AHA) Fellow].
PhD, Biomedical Eng, Purdue Univ [National Institutes of Health-funded Fellow, Future Faculty Fellow,
Chorafas Dissertation Award]. 

Research Areas

Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud and Edge Computing, Computational Genomics, and Data Analytics applied within these domains.; Machine Learning 

Key Areas

IoT, Machine Learning, Computational Genomics 

Notable Experience

Associate Professor, Agricultural & Biological Engineering (ABE) and Electrical & Computer Engineering, Purdue University, 2018-Current. [Expertise: Applied machine learning (ML) for IoT and precision health.
Thrust #1: Internet of Things; Thrust #2 Genomics and Precision Health]

CEO, KeyByte LLC, 2021-Current. [A cloud computing startup:]
Technical Consultant, Entrepreneurial Institute (IC2), UT Austin, 2013-2020. 

Notable Awards

NAE Frontiers Symposium Fellow in Tokyo, Japan (2023); NSF-CAREER award (2022) on streamlining
streaming computer vision analytics; Amazon AI award (2021) on ML for mobile and embedded devices;
Wabash Heartland Innovation Network (WHIN) Challenge Grant (2018-22) for digital agriculture and
digital manufacturing from the Lilly Endowment; NSF-CPS grant (2021-24) on securing CPS for real-time
agro-analytics; Army Research Lab (ARL) grant (2020-23) for consensus under energy constraints for
dynamic distributed cyber-physical systems (CPS); ARL grant (2020-25) for SCRAMBLE: Secure, Re 

Notable Affiliations

Associate Editor - BMC Bioinformatics, Computational and Structural Biotechnology, & Frontiers in High Performance Computing (Cloud Computing); Currently on the Program Committees of NeurIPS, ICML, CVPR,
USENIX ATC, ACM Middleware, ICDCS (Cloud Computing track), EuroSys. ACM and IEEE member. 


Somali Chaterji (pronounced shoh-MAH-lee CHA-ter-jee) is an Assistant Professor in Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE) and in the Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE, by courtesy). Dr. Chaterji is also the founder and CEO of a blazing fast cloud computing company, KeyByte (from 2021). Dr. Chaterji leads ICAN, the Innovatory of Cells and Neural Machines, at Purdue. She did her PhD in Biomedical Engineering (BME) from Purdue, winning the Chorafas Dissertation Award and the Future Faculty Fellowship, followed by a postdoc in UT Austin and then a Visiting Assistant Professor stint in Purdue Computer Science. She won the NSF CAREER award from the Computing Directorate (CISE) in January 2022. Her work has appeared at the top applied machine learning, computer systems, and computational genomics conferences and journals. She has received funding from NIH (R01), DOD (ARL), NSF (CISE-CNS, CAREER), NIFA, as well as private industries like Amazon and Adobe Research. 


  • Cyber resiliency
  • Cyberphysical systems and IoT
  • Mobile/Pervasive/Ambient/Ubiquitous
  • Security of AI/ML