The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

The Center for Education and Research in
Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS)

Michael Salvo

 Michael Salvo





HEAV 302C 

Office Phone

(765) 494-3772 

Research Areas

Information Architecture, Information Design, Rhetoric and Technology, Technology and Literacy 

Notable Experience

Established Kairos, an online journal for rhetoric
and technology study. Program design: Certificate in Information Design, Certificate in Accessible and Universal Design at Northeastern University 

Notable Awards

Hugh Burns Award (2000)

Finalist, Kairos' Best Webtext Award (2001) 


Critical Engagement with Technology in the Computer Classroom, Technical Communication Quarterly Special Issue on Computer Classrooms and Technical Communication Pedagogy. Deafened to Their Demands: An Ethnographic Study of Accommodation, Kairos, 7(1) (2002). Ethics of Engagement: User-centered Design and Rhetorical Methodology, Technical Communication Quarterly Special Issue on Ethics, 10(3) (2001). Trauma, Narration, Technology: User-Ordered Representation and the Holocaust, Computers and Composition, 16(2) (1999) 


Michael Salvo completed a Ph.D. at Texas Tech University in 2000. He serves as Director of Professional Writing at Purdue and is interested in researching issues in professional and technical writing and rhetoric, particularly ethical issues related to writing with digital technology in academic and nonacademic settings. He specializes in teaching professional and technical writing.

After completing his Ph.D., Dr. Salvo spent three years at Northeastern University before joining the Rhetoric & Composition program at Purdue. He leads a group of usability researchers testing Purdue’s Online Writing Lab.

Among his publications are Writing Postindustrial Place: Technoculture Amid the Cornfields (Routledge, 2017) and Rhetoric and Experience Architecture (Parlor Press, 2018), which he co-edited with Liza Potts. He is a founding member and on the editorial board of Kairos, the longest continuously publishing online journal in new media, rhetoric and writing. He won the Hugh Burns Award in computers and writing, received the Ellen Nold Award for research published in Computers and Composition, and won the Kairos Best Webtext Award. His research on usability, program assessment, and information architecture has been published in IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Technical Communication, and Technical Communication Quarterly. 



  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Multimedia
  • Open Systems & software