Posters > 2013
Assured Identity and Privacy
- Covert Channels in Combinatorial Games [278-71C]
- Generalized Social Network Privacy [C7D-9F4]
- Image Steganography Using Sudoku [F63-546]
- Unlinkable Complex Identity Claims [EA3-1B6]
End System Security
- A Platform for Finding Attacks in Unmodified Implementations of Intrusion Tolerant Systems [CF8-E0A]
- FiPS: A File System Provenance [E11-32B]
Human Centric Security
- Determining Authorship with Style [57F-585]
- Trust Management for Social Networks [F47-8F1]
Network Security
Policy, Law and Management
- Canada's Cyber Warfare Capabilities [CE3-3FD]
- Cyber Warfare Capabilities of Brazil [ED6-C5F]
- Forensic Evidence in Apache's CloudStack [633-EDA]
- France's Cyber Defense Capabilities [64C-616]
- UK Leads World Cyber Race [386-E39]
Prevention, Detection and Response
- PostgreSQL anomaly detector [95C-D35]