E2C - Energy Efficient Consensus
Primary Investigator:
Saurabh Bagchi
Adithya Bhat, Manish Nagaraj, Akhil Bandarupalli, Michael K. Reiter, Saurabh Bagchi, Aniket Kate
Motivated by CPS settings, this work explores energy efficiency
of Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication (SMR) protocols in synchronous networks.
We develop a partially connected system model that leverages
synchronous multicasts among neighbors.
We generalize previous fault tolerance results in partial
connectivity settings to this model, and propose a novel SMR
protocol (E2C) for this model that is best-case optimal.
We demonstrate the energy efficiency of E2C through
experiments on CPS nodes and analysis.
We extend the analysis to demonstrate the parameter ranges in
which E2C will be more energy-efficient than relying on a
trusted control node to overcome Byzantine sensor behavior.